Help with PWP donations

I can always help, I have a lot of money from selling my town so just let me know!
Unfortunately my wifi is messed up atm and I won?t be able to see if it works until a Wednesday. The offer still is up because when it works, I?ll gladly help. Sorry about the wait!
Unfortunately my wifi is messed up atm and I won’t be able to see if it works until a Wednesday. The offer still is up because when it works, I’ll gladly help. Sorry about the wait!

Well hit me up on Wednesday then or whenever your WiFi is working
I initially was wanting help with PWP Donations but these housing upgrades are costing more so could use help with them instead of the PWP Donations
Whatever really that you need help i can help find too. Of course before I go broke but that won?t be anytime soon hopefully lol
Sorry for the late reply. How much are you needing? I can trade for tbt but make it less expensive for you to help :)
alright I just added you, would you prefer me to drop it off or for you to pick it up?