Help :(

Aug 27, 2013
I had a dream many,many years ago about a group of characters that lived in the universe of Pokemon! I though they seemed like an interesting bunch of people so I continued to imagine stories including these characters inside of my head and I've come up with some pretty good scenarios! The problem is, every time I attempt to write this story on paper I go COMPLETELY blank :(. Does this happen to anybody else ? Should I just try and push through this block or keep the creating inside my head ?

Thank you all :)
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Ah, it seems you have writer's worries! If I were you, I would probably try to think questions to yourself, such as, "Hmm, what would people like to read about these characters? What's interesting enough so people will be involved?" If that doesn't help, I would also recommend searching some good ideas on the Internet. If even that doesn't help, maybe you could just keep creating characters until something works out! ;) If you want more advice I can give you more as well. :)
Don't worry - it happens to all of us. You'll get out of it eventually!^^