AC guy

Senior Member
Nov 3, 2008
HELP one of my friends needs to come to MY town and stop him he was posting mean stuff about me and everything and took some of my stuff please help it's an emergency please!!!
Well I was talking with my friend and everything then he steals stuff even come to my gate and see what he wrote on my BB i even pmd storm about this but he hasn't replied
I had my gate open Adrian on my friend list came and started taking some of my bells and everything then he wrote a BB saying "jake is an immature brat" then he erases it then my friend kicks him and now i want to tell storm this my note about My town even said no stealing stuff from my town.
AC guy said:
I had my gate open Adrian on my friend list came and started taking some of my bells and everything then he wrote a BB saying "jake is an immature brat" then he erases it then my friend kicks him and now i want to tell storm this my note about My town even said no stealing stuff from my town.
ROFL! Don't let it bother you...if this little note bothers you, then you wouldn't last a second on xbox are overreacting waaaay too much.
He is just acting like a douchebag, so why don't you remove him?
AC guy said:
I erased him and waiting for Storm to come if he is reading this i registered his second one.
How much did he or she steal from you?
Add me and ill help out if its serious.
I did i think he shouldn't be on this site if he ever comes to My town again which he can't i booted him then erased him from my fc list and guys if you think your registered come to My town and discuss this there
He stole 100 bells all the flowers i layed out and pretty much all my stuff that i wanted to stay there man my note said NO STEALING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know what if a person steals any of my stuff again then i am defriending them then refriend them and drop trash in their town everywhere! lol some of that didn't make sense oh well.
dude come on get over with it. wow stole 100 bells and all your flower. wow dude just buy more flowers. STUPID