
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Oct 23, 2023
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
I CHANGED MY MIND I DON’T WANT LILY TO LEAVE. Is there any way to stop her now that she’s in boxes? Or am I too late? If I am, is there any way to reverse asking Audie to move in? PLEASE HELP LILY CAN’T LEAVE AND SHE’S MORE IMPORTANT THAN AUDIE. I’M NOT EMOTIONALLY EQUIPPED FOR HER TO LEAVE I LOVE HER TOO MUCH. HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

LILY! DON’T GO! PLEASE STAY!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
You could have a friend hold Lily, then move Audie in. Then when Audie leaves your friend could give her to you again? That's the only way I can think of.
Thank you for all of the advice everyone. I appreciate it. What’s making me extra sad about this is I recently got a Lily plushie. Just looking at it tugs on my heartstrings.
You're welcome, and I am sorry to hear about your loss. 🫂 I want to finally mention also that case you really want her back even with the new villager on your island you can try moving Audie out with this guide and then checking out the cycling threads in the New Neighbor Network. Their Lily might not be the same as the one you used to have, but she's still Lily, after all. 🐸💚
I feel very torn about this situation. If time machines existed, I’d use one to redo this day. I also just remembered the photos I took of Lily when she went to visit Melba in the morning in August. She and Melba were best friends. Oh, or that time when she went to visit Apple and she was wearing the Nirvana shirt I made. Or that time when we were both reading on the swinging bench and she fell asleep. Or the way her mouth goes flat when she’s using the intense reaction. Oh, there was also that time in the museum where she saw a scorpion and commented on it.
I'd suggest work on moving Audie out by friending her up, and then use one of the cycling services here to get Lily back
I just had a genius idea: SAVE DATA CLOUD. I can back up to an old save that was before Lily went in boxes. I don’t see it on the switch online tab on my switch though. Any idea on how to restore old save data?
I just had a genius idea: SAVE DATA CLOUD. I can back up to an old save that was before Lily went in boxes. I don’t see it on the switch online tab on my switch though. Any idea on how to restore old save data?
ACNH has an Island Backup feature that can be enabled if you have Nintendo Switch Online, but save data can only be restored if you lose your Switch or damage it and have it repaired. (see here) This is why @/CylieDanny and I recommended moving out Shino and bringing Lily back through a cycling thread.
ACNH has an Island Backup feature that can be enabled if you have Nintendo Switch Online, but save data can only be restored if you lose your Switch or damage it and have it repaired. (see here) This is why @/CylieDanny and I recommended moving out Shino and bringing Lily back through a cycling thread.
I actually tried to use the save data cloud/island backup, but I ended up hitting a bunch of dead ends. Looks like I’m gonna have to let Lily go. So nevermind. (Yes, that misspelling of nevermind was intentional. My profile quote explains why.) Who knows? Maybe all of this is just a blessing in disguise.
I've learned the hard way about letting villagers go, esspecially the ones I love. If I freeze up, or am hesitant about bidding someone fair well, I don't do it. I feel your pain in other words. I possibly went through this exact same feeling, so I feel your pain here.

Audie could very well be someone you warm up too, but from this reaction, and how upset you are. I think following the guide @/Suguri provided, and then once Audie has moved out, reach out to one of the lovely cycling services here. They will help you get you Lilly back. It's true it will not be the same Lilly, but she's still Lily.

The choice is up to you, but I know this feeling, and it's hard to get rid of. I gave up my wolf by accident and it broke me. So maybe consider me, and @/Suguri's advice.
I CHANGED MY MIND I DON’T WANT LILY TO LEAVE. Is there any way to stop her now that she’s in boxes? Or am I too late? If I am, is there any way to reverse asking Audie to move in? PLEASE HELP LILY CAN’T LEAVE AND SHE’S MORE IMPORTANT THAN AUDIE. I’M NOT EMOTIONALLY EQUIPPED FOR HER TO LEAVE I LOVE HER TOO MUCH. HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

LILY! DON’T GO! PLEASE STAY!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'm really sorry to read this. It would genuinely break my heart if I accidentally let Buck go on any of my islands, so I completely understand. I know she might not be the same, but I'm willing to cycle Lily for you nothing needed in return and whenever you have a free spot, send me a DM and I'll get her into boxes for you. There isn't any rush, it can be days or weeks, just whenever. :)
I'm really sorry to read this. It would genuinely break my heart if I accidentally let Buck go on any of my islands, so I completely understand. I know she might not be the same, but I'm willing to cycle Lily for you nothing needed in return and whenever you have a free spot, send me a DM and I'll get her into boxes for you. There isn't any rush, it can be days or weeks, just whenever. :)
Thank you. I’ll consider it. I’m starting to fully accept the fact that Audie is moving in. Getting a good nights sleep helped. I feel better about it compared to yesterday.