Though this is a day more familiar with old millennials like me, ALL are encouraged to celebrate!
Say no more mon amore
Damn the man, save the Empire!!
Another gem.
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I don't know it I'm considered 90's or millennials, send help.
who tf is rex manning and why is he hot af?
What year are you born in? I think 90’s kids and millennials are the same thing, but I know millennials are born between 1981 and 1995.
I was born in 99, and oops I thought millennials were 2000's and on kids. Cause in my mind millennial is a flat thousand/turn of the century.
So I guess I'm the later one, since I was technically not a kid in the 90s. I did grow up watching 90s stuff thou.
I think they call it Millennials because that generation is actually old enough to remember and experience the turn of the century, and crazy stuff like Y2K. Anybody born late '90s or later wouldn't remember that.