Hey everyone! First time posting after years of viewing...


Junior Member
Jul 20, 2015
Hi guys! My name is Jennifer, I'm from Glasgow in Scotland and I am a massive AC fan.
I have being playing since Wide World, and had my town of "Glasgow" (original, I know) since July 2013.
As well as being addicted to AC:NL, I have been religiously reading these forums since the game came out. But it just crossed my mind to make my own account 2 years later!

My favourite villager is Phil, and close second is Hugh. Both my only remaining original villagers <3
And my saddest villager to lose was Blanche... after not playing for a few months, I logged on and she had moved. I still feel heartbroken about it, because her and Phil were an amazing team. :(

Let me know who your favourite villager(s) are, and who has been your saddest to lose so far?

P.S, if you feel like it, feel free to watch my trailer reaction to Amiibo Festival (dramatically re-enacted, but I think we all went through the same range of feelings!) which is down below.

Thanks guys :)
Welcome to TBT (finally)!

Some of my favorite villagers are the alligators, Fang, Kiki, Cheri, and others I'm not thinking of.
I was really sad to lose Alfonso after not playing NL for quite some time. He's been my favorite since Wild World and it took me forever for him to finally move to my town in NL.

I hope you enjoy your time here now that you finally joined!
Hi Jen, I'm from Glasgow too!! ;D
Also I lost Blanche as well from not playing for a few months even tho she's one of my dreamies. I've tried so hard getting her back but she's stuck in the void for a little longer qnq
Hopefully we can both her our presh bab back and into our arms.
Welcome! :D PM me if you have questions, and feel free to add me as a friend!
Lol if u've been lurking here for so long you probably know who I am!...no? Eh screw that WELCOME to TBT! Hope u enjoy urself here ^^
Hello! and WELCOME TO TBT! Yaaay! :3
My favortites and dreamies also are
Poncho,Lolly,Kabuki,Francine and Chrissy
I really liked ur AC:AF reaction xD,through,its dissapointing to see that game
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Nice to meet another Scot. Welcome! ;)
Coincidentally, I live near Glasgow. ;o
Welcome to the forums!!! ^__^

I think I have quite a few favourites but I'll recall more recent events...Currently in my town I have Tia, and she's a cutie patootie~!!! <3 As for another fave, I had Cheri in an old town once, but then decided the town wasn't working out for me...I was very sad to lose her. I loved her since AC:pG :( I hope I can have her back in my town again.

Nice to meet you and hope to see you around the forums!! :)