It's been too long...a fully 365 days since my Animal Crossing New Leaf game data was accidentally erased. All my fault, but oh well, I can't regret everything I do. I've had the game since the initrial release on June 9th, 2013 and with my first town, Shannon, I successfully got all the golden tools legitimately, unlocked all the stores, donated almost every fish, painting, all fossils, all the bugs, redone the town hall and train stations, got most of the badges. flipped the Wi-Fi switch way too many times when I invited noobs who didn't know where to not run, blah blah, you get it. I'm happy to finally join the Bell Tree Forums, though, I'll be looking foward to trading with, meeting, and helping out fellow players. I just started a town two days ago, so I'm searching for people to trade fruit, one painting and perhaps a slingshot, but that's for later.
It's time I start fresh once again. Games aren't meant to mourn over
Welcome to the Forums! I'm very sorry to hear that your game's data was erased, but I'm sure you'll find all that is necessary to rebuild your town right here at TBT! Enjoy your time here, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to give me a shout! Btw, i really like you can-do attitude~ XD
Haha, np! If you're wondering about my villagers, they weren't that hard to get! I got Cookie from my mom's town, and the rest were from some cycling threads on ACC. Though I did trade Wolfgang for Olivia! The only villagers that I didn't adopt however were Rosie and Walker. ^_^
Thank you, Mekan. I'm kind of over resetting my town, I just thought it was sort of relevant. But I'm happy to start fresh again, and it keeps me busy and entertained.
I admire how you were able to just move on after such a loss. (Lol, am I making it sound like someone died? xD) I don't know what I'd do, or how I'd feel even, if my game was reset. I think I'd go mad, haha.
Oh, that's cool. I just met and friended someone who had one of my favorite villagers from NL, Tia, and I started off my town with Monique, which I had in my first WW town, and stayed in it for more than 2 years surprisingly. I don't think I'm ready to be "fixing" my villagers yet, though. It's really nice that your Mom plays NL and has her own town! Does she have her own 3DS too? It would be nice to get one for my mom but she's always so busy.
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It was pretty hard, honestly. It was especially hard because I not only unlocked a lot of things but it was hard losing something unintentionally when that's basically all you've ever known of the game. That town layout, that native fruit, etc. It was bad enough that I had to replace my ACNL 3DS in August of 2013. At that point of just having the game for a few months I got a perfect town. Thankfully whoever replaced my system made sure I had all my data from the 3DS onto the new one. As you can see, I'm fairly clumsy. XD It was probably harder to deal with erasing my town bc I had a lot of friends who played ACNL, including irl, and I loved having them over and entertaining with my nice town and stuff. But it didn't take me long in 2013 to get a great town. I've learned a lot from then, so I can only do better now. I also have a more clever town name. ...I think.
Hehe, yes, I convinced my mom to get her own 2ds so we could play New Leaf together! It lasted for a while, but then she ended up moving to Japan, so she couldn't take her North American ds with her. Sucks, right? I can't even play with her anymore :/
I seriously doubt she's going to get another ds in Japan, since she's very busy now.
It doesn't hurt to look through my recycling bin on my computer for the files I accidentally deleted. What happened was I meant to only delete photos but I then deleted everything else on the SD card. XD I've learned my lesson...
That's awesome how you got Monique! She's a nice cat villager! Haha, my mom wanted her before she stopped playing.
I'm glad to hear that you're still determined to recreate your town! I wish I had that much gusto when it comes to playing games like new leaf. I love animal crossing, but I don't believe I could ever stand it if all my hardwork was gone. I'd probably rage quit and come back years later, lol.
Aw, that does suck. I bet Japan is kind of though, even if she misses you, her friends and family, and of course her villagers. The lack of flexibility with the 3DS and regions is understood in some cases but pretty annoying.
Lol. It took around a whole year for me to actually commit to the game again. Because honestly I wasn't feeling it. Now without piles of homework and after school activies 3 to 4 times per week, I can actually relax and enjoy playing. It's still difficult not having what you once did. I'm just spoiled
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Oh no ;-; It wouldn't hurt to write an angry email to "Nintendo". ;D I mean, maybe not physical harm.
I usually now am okay with files nowadays. I just need to watch 6 videos and read 4 different tutorials in order to not entirely mess up.
Wow, I can totally relate. The whole summer when I bought new leaf, I was totally into it. I guess I could say that I was addicted. However, right when school started, I actually had the willpower to quit playing my game at night. xD after a whole school year, I no longer was interested in the game. I just started playing again not too long ago, haha.
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Hehe, I'm ok with files too, but if I'm trying to sort out some old junk folder buried deep in my computer, I occasionally delete something I meant to keep
I remember losing some interest, but then during the winter season I did more with T&T Emporium, the Roost, more Dream Suite stuff, and Toy Day. Not much interest in Toy Day, I recall.