Hi I know you all have seen the same introduction threads multiple times before, so I'll just tell you all about my Animal Crossing experience. 
I've been a fan of the series since it's debut for the Game Cube in 2002 and it's easily the most addicting franchise tied for me with the Pokemon games. Granted I didn't get as addicted to Wild World or City Folk as much as plenty of my friends have, but New Leaf is right up there with the original for my favorite Animal Crossing game. After restarting my game to give it a real shot back in June, I've been playing every day since.
Which brings me to today. I saw the forums while browsing Google one day and I think these forums look intriguing. Especially with the concept of villager trading because I'm always trying to find different villagers to bring to my town. Some days I'm just too impatient to wait for someone to come to my campsite haha. So with that in mind, I'm not only excited for learning more about how villager trading works on the forums, but just getting to discuss a game franchise I adore as much as the other 150+ members on this site.
I've been a fan of the series since it's debut for the Game Cube in 2002 and it's easily the most addicting franchise tied for me with the Pokemon games. Granted I didn't get as addicted to Wild World or City Folk as much as plenty of my friends have, but New Leaf is right up there with the original for my favorite Animal Crossing game. After restarting my game to give it a real shot back in June, I've been playing every day since.
Which brings me to today. I saw the forums while browsing Google one day and I think these forums look intriguing. Especially with the concept of villager trading because I'm always trying to find different villagers to bring to my town. Some days I'm just too impatient to wait for someone to come to my campsite haha. So with that in mind, I'm not only excited for learning more about how villager trading works on the forums, but just getting to discuss a game franchise I adore as much as the other 150+ members on this site.