Hey, may I please have some loans?


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2008
so this guy has a ton of hybrids and he's my friend, so I thought he was funny when he said that there was a 300,000,000 (300 million) entrance fee, and I apparently came 3 times for hybrids... 45 hybrids >:D... just to get a peacock butterfly... I overdid it...

and I accidentally ran over one of his "beautiful orange flowers", and so now I owe him an extra 100 million...

so I owe him 1,000,000,000 bells... X_X
minimang said:
so this guy has a ton of hybrids and he's my friend, so I thought he was funny when he said that there was a 300,000,000 (300 million) entrance fee, and I apparently came 3 times for hybrids... 45 hybrids >:D... just to get a peacock butterfly... I overdid it...

and I accidentally ran over one of his "beautiful orange flowers", and so now I owe him an extra 100 million...

so I owe him 1,000,000,000 bells... X_X
Enjoy the rest of your life. :)

paying off debt...

i would but i dont have that much money and i am not sure if you are just saying this to get money... if not that is a funny story and kinda sad
KingKombat said:
tell him he can kiss your butt, long and hard.
True that. Lol, I remember the ole scamming days. Just delete him and never talk to him again, unless you know him/her in real life. Then your blowed.
QNT3N said:
Megamannt125 said:
why doest he jsut put his favorite flowers in his house like normal people do?
Maybe he is not normal..
Yes maybe he has mental issues, wait that's not politically correct, I ment to say ********.
So let me get this straight. You want me to pay you money so you can pay someone else money and then you'll still have to pay my money back which you'll probably borrow from someone else then you'll have to pay their money back and so-on and so-on.

Good luck T_T

Just don't pay the guy back. If you do pay him back, you're the stupidest person I've ever heard of. You don't owe him anything.
There is no way I would pay him back, and if he gets mad at you, just remove him from your friend list. Who charges 3 million bells for a hybrid????