Hey, may I please have some loans?

tspenc11 said:
There is no way I would pay him back, and if he gets mad at you, just remove him from your friend list. Who charges 3 million bells for a hybrid????

Just delete him from your rooster and if he's on the foruma, just ignore everything he says to you and block him from PMing you.
ROTFL! Wow, at least you'll never get bored of AC after you're done with paying your debt to Nook! You'll always have something to do now. xD
o wow an orange hybrid is one of the easiest to get! pay him 200 bells to cover the two flowers he bought to make it and be like WHATEVER!! :gyroiddance:
tspenc11 said:
There is no way I would pay him back, and if he gets mad at you, just remove him from your friend list. Who charges 3 million bells for a hybrid????

it was 300 million bells.
Don't pay him back, anyone who asks for 1 billion bells for anything is a jerk

So let me get this straight. You want me to pay you money so you can pay someone else money and then you'll still have to pay my money back which you'll probably borrow from someone else then you'll have to pay their money back and so-on and so-on.

Good luck T_T

Just don't pay the guy back. If you do pay him back, you're the stupidest person I've ever heard of. You don't owe him anything.
Did you actually take 45 hybrids? Because if he makes you pay 300k just for entrance you should tell him too bad. People can be so stupidly greedy with things like entrance fees, if I ever get insane turnip prices, I'm not going to charge people for it, jeez, money corrupts everything.