HHD General Excitement Thread!


(•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡
Sep 19, 2015
Tasty Cake
Happy Home Designer Token
How excited are you for HHD! :D I am so much so that I'm having a hard time sleeping, haha. I keep trying to sleep earlier to make the days seems to go by faster! Waiting's half the fun though, so I'm enjoying myself :)

What does everyone else do to help with their excitement? To help satiate me until release day, I've been:

- following the #ACHappyHome hashtag on Twitter to check out all the neat home designs! Hopefully one day soon I'll find someone to gush over about this with! xD
- following Jingleflail's tumblr! Lots of great screenshots with little blurbs~
- keeping up with the beautiful-crossing tumblr, going to try my hand at some screenshot edits to make things pretty!
- reading TBT HHD forums! :D I can't wait for release day to liven things up more!
- checking out the AC and AC:HHD reddit every now and then. It's a bit slow, but sometimes there's some interesting stuff there!
- camping the AC Amiibo Card page on Amazon, for the day they put it up for sale >=D
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I'm so excited to start an HHD blog too! It's like documenting how I play dollhouse haha! Is anyone else going to make a blog/tumblr/Twitter too? I'd like to follow!
I have a blog where I post game-related things, so I'll probably post things there, if anything. It'll probably take me a bit to make something I'm really proud of, but that's going to be part of the fun!
i just pre purchased HHD from the eshop! 4 more days to go before i can play it!!
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I'm really excited as well, I wish the UK was getting it on the 25th.. We have to wait an extra week before we can play. ; w;
I am officially riding the hype train for this game! And after watching the video Justin posted of the first fifteen minutes of gameplay, I cannot freaking WAIT.
I am very excited, I started to play with my own ACNL houses and got myself way too jazzed! I am going to make so many weird and wild houses, I just feel it!
Target Australia is selling the game for $45! (30 USD) so happy that I don't have to pay $60 at EB Games
I am excited!!!

I've been excited since E3. The haters slammed my enthusiasm, so I stopped posting posts about HHD.

Well they can't contain my enthusiasm any more - I am super excited!
I am looking forward to playing this game this weekend, too. I think I will really like being able to scan cards to bring specific villagers into the game.

I am not cancelling any weekend plans, but otherwise I do intend to play the game a lot. Honestly I don't expect this game to be quite as good as New Leaf (since it is a spin-off), but if it is then I'll be super thrilled!!
The reviews for the game are all over the board, but I feel that I know what the game is and what the game isn't at this point. However, it does make me a little sad to see it get some bad reviews :( Personally, I am exicited for the game and to get the smaller new 3DS
The reviews for the game are all over the board, but I feel that I know what the game is and what the game isn't at this point. However, it does make me a little sad to see it get some bad reviews :( Personally, I am exicited for the game and to get the smaller new 3DS

Yeah, I read some of those reviews too :\ I think they do bring up legitimate reasons oh why some scores are pretty low...
For example, while I like the Happy Home Network rating system, it's a bit disappointing to know that you can't invite other people to homes to have a bit of a party. Having very little dialogue between the villagers in town and in their house is a little sad too </3

It's definitely not enough to deter me from buying the game or the cards, I am still super hype! I'll be sure to press accept to send data to Nintento do see my playstyle, or whatever it is they're looking into. I like to hope that they're gonna use it to make an even awesomer game after this one :D
I'm so exited I go to bed I talk about it in my sleep I wake up my first words are about decorating and small bugs and loopholes that might show up I even talk about it in the shower and to people that are in my guild that don't even have a 3ds to play the game.
I'm so excited to start an HHD blog too! It's like documenting how I play dollhouse haha! Is anyone else going to make a blog/tumblr/Twitter too? I'd like to follow!

I'm going to make a HHD blog too on Tumblr ^^! Very excited, I should get started now!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I got the one with the NFC reader thingy too! Can't wait to host little house parties and scan villagers in~

The reviews for the game are all over the board, but I feel that I know what the game is and what the game isn't at this point. However, it does make me a little sad to see it get some bad reviews :( Personally, I am exicited for the game and to get the smaller new 3DS

I was really disappointed when HHD was first announced, because it wasn't a full blown AC for the Wii U. But during the months since then, I got over that initial disappointment. Then I started looking forward to HHD for what it is. I can understand why the reviewers are giving it low reviews, but I think I will still like it.
I can understand why the reviewers are giving it low reviews, but I think I will still like it.

I think you'll still like it too :) I'm excited to be a dork and roleplay my little worker in a blog haha! Trying to be a little creative!