HHD General Excitement Thread!

I'm not that excited as you guys are for some reason. But i'm still looking forward to design houses! It feels like a weekend.
I'm super excited!!! I'm Going to gs tonight to get my bundle and a box of cards. I was hoping to finish getting all my babies back in main before it came out but I still have 2 more to put in and they are being stubborn in my other town. I will be opening all the cards tonight. Not sure if I'll do video or just take pics. I'll be keeping one full set, and trying to get as much of a 2nd set to my friend and then will sell the rest.
Picking mine up tonight can't wait 6 more hrs I'm at work now in a fitting room so hopefully it will go by fast
Super excited! My gamestop isn't having a midnight release, but they are for the sports game coming out and said I could come to that midnight release ^0^/

Unfortunately I have discrimination law homework so I probably will just stare at the box and cry until the work is done >_>;
Did you order it just now? I ordered mine off Amazon too, well, pre-ordered it anyway a while back, and it is already almost here! It's on a UPS truck about three hours out of town and should be here in plenty of time. Amazon has been great about getting games to me exactly when promised.

I ordered the Happy Home Designer + New 3DS Bundle two days ago, it hasn't shipped out yet and it says shipping out Friday (I think the bundles are different.) Do you have Amazon Prime? Either way I'm happy for you, getting it in the same day as release!
Super excited! My gamestop isn't having a midnight release, but they are for the sports game coming out and said I could come to that midnight release ^0^/

Unfortunately I have discrimination law homework so I probably will just stare at the box and cry until the work is done >_>;

None of them are actually ACHHD midnight releases, all the midnight releases are for NBA 2K16. They're simply allowing bundle pre-orderers (whaa? Is that word) to pick it up since by then it will technically be the 25th. :p
I get to pick this up tomorrow.~
I prefer the XL models for the N3DS, and mine already has the NFC reader, so no bundles for me. I'm just hoping they have a few card packs I can pick up!

I won't be getting a special design 3DS until the Hyrule one ships out in October. </3
My amazon order hasn't shipped yet :)
Maybe Monday?

Which is okay (I guess) since I gotta study anyway x___x

Gunna pick up a pack of cards tomorrow, though!
I'm excited for that!
Bout to head up to gs!!!! Gonna prob continue to work on my town while I'm up there waiting lol!
Have fun you digital peeps! Don't forget to post screenshots when you can :D
Ok!!!! Here we go!!!


So I'm missing 4 cards total. Sending like 50-60 to a friend and have a TON more. Will prob put most on eBay.