Male Villager for Mario Kart on Switch 2!
I'm not that excited as you guys are for some reason. But i'm still looking forward to design houses! It feels like a weekend.
Did you order it just now? I ordered mine off Amazon too, well, pre-ordered it anyway a while back, and it is already almost here! It's on a UPS truck about three hours out of town and should be here in plenty of time. Amazon has been great about getting games to me exactly when promised.
Super excited! My gamestop isn't having a midnight release, but they are for the sports game coming out and said I could come to that midnight release ^0^/
Unfortunately I have discrimination law homework so I probably will just stare at the box and cry until the work is done >_>;
Bout to head up to gs!!!! Gonna prob continue to work on my town while I'm up there waiting lol!