HHP villager selection


Enchanting Dreamer
Aug 20, 2014
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Pear (Fruit)
Is anyone else being selective about what villagers you build homes for? After learning that villagers are permanent on the archipelago, I want to make a community of villagers that I really like (I have around 50 dreamies so I'm aiming for having them).

If the 5 villagers on your beach are ones you dont like, do you just not build a home for anyone and wait for a new selection of villagers the next day? Do you time travel?

Just curious how other people are handling this
What do you mean by permanent? Like as in, once you build a house, the villager is registered forever?
That's what I have understood so far. That once you build a vacation home for a villager on the islands, there is no getting them to "move out" like they do on the base game
Yeah, I'm being pretty selective, I guess. If they have a theme that sounds fun to design or I love them as a villager I choose them. Even some of the cuter ones, if I've reached my Mental Designing Capacity for the day, I just kind of push it aside. They'll be back. it's repetitive enough as it is, and I'm not sprinting to the finish line with the new content. I can only really handle one or two designs a day, mentally and time-wise lol

Doesn't mean I'll never build them a home, since you can just... build for everyone with no limit, but I'm pacing myself, I guess? I don't want to get burned out on villagers that do not spark joy.

Don't forget to check the restaurant (and maybe other facilities? Idk) for other options :)!!
There are probably only 2-3 villagers I have petty enough grudges against to not build a house for so no I’m not really being selective at all. Honestly I like seeing villagers I would never have on my island for variety.
Not at all!
I mean I will chose my favourites first
But if I don't like any of the options I won't not do one if I want to do houses.
Eventually I plan on having done every single villager and npc
I'm being very selective. But I'm also playing the dlc so slowly that I think I'll only finish it in two years if I keep this pace lol.
I'm selective in terms of what themes they have. I've found I have a lot more fun designing homes for villagers with weird themes than your average "I want a garden to sit in" type of villager.
Kind of. It depends on who they are and what the theme they want so I know what furniture I will be able to get.
My island's previous villagers and any other favorites gets priority, then it goes to theme.
Wait, do we need to be selective? Is there a limit on the number of vacation homes we can design on the archipelago? I’ve just been going by whoever’s interior theme sounds easiest or most interesting to complete.
Wait, do we need to be selective? Is there a limit on the number of vacation homes we can design on the archipelago? I’ve just been going by whoever’s interior theme sounds easiest or most interesting to complete.

There is no limit so no worries!
Isn't there a way to "delete" a villager by giving them a roommate then making the original leave?
Glad to hear there isn't a limit of villagers though.
Nope, not at all. My goal is to eventually build homes for all the villagers in the game. It doesn't bother me if it's a villager I don't like, I can just not visit them.
Isn't there a way to "delete" a villager by giving them a roommate then making the original leave?
Glad to hear there isn't a limit of villagers though.
It gets rid of the house but not the villager.
I think the idea is that you won't see them hanging out on the island if you dont pick them (minus when they're there to be chosen)
I love seeing all of the replies! I just wanted to make a community on the archipelago of villagers that I like. I'm not someone who only has 10 dreamies, I have over 50, so I felt it would be a little more reasonable to do this. Because you eventually make things like a restaurant and hospital and school, I imagined you'd be seeing all of the villagers you built homes for, either working those places, or visiting them. Rather than having every possible villager around, I wanted to take my time and make an island community full of my favorites. It seems other people have also had similar thoughts to mine.
i’m actually not being selective with what villagers i design a vacation home for, but rather what themes i do — i design a minimum of one vacation home per day and right now, i’m only really doing themes that interest me or that sound easy. that doesn’t mean i won’t design any homes on days where none of the villagers on the beach have a theme that fit that criteria, i’ll just choose whichever theme sounds the least unpleasant lol.

i’m likely going to aim to design a vacation home for every villager at some point, but as i’m not the greatest at interior/exterior design, i’m being a bit picky until i feel more confident in my abilities. :’)
My bf has shoved about 30 on the iceburg part of the map for some reason. He says he wants to keep the rest of it for villagers he actually likes haha
not particularly. I'll give anyone a chance, even most villagers others dislike don't bother me much. some I even quite like personally. the nice thing about the DLC is that it's given me a chance to see a lot of villagers I'm not very familiar with. with so many, there's no chance I could manage to remember all of them.