Hi everyone!

Kuro Sakuraba

Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015
Hi everyone, it's nice to be finally joining The Bell Tree Forums. :) I'm Geo! I live somewhere in SE Asia GMT+8. I've been snooping around here for a while while my Old 3DS XL was broken. And now that i've bought myself a New 3DS XL, i'd love to finally get back to all my games! I haven't touched ACNL for 3 months and I just played it again a bit earlier and a lot of the people there moved out and moved in. I haven't gotten that far into the game and I haven't really finished a lot yet but that's what i'm hoping to do in this forums. Do a lot to fix my town. And also make friends. I hope to be friends with you guys! :D See you!
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Welcome to TBT :)

I hope fixing your town up goes well for you, along with getting along with your new villagers. I'd love to hear all about it!
Welcome to the forums :)
If you ever need anything, you can always message me!