Hi I am BumPaf


Queer Designer
Oct 15, 2015
Hi everyone,

I am a happy AC player and I want to meet other players to trade stuff and see nice cities. I play New Leaf and Happy Home Designer. I wish I could see the houses you made on it. :cool:

English is not my first language so if anything I say sounds weird, let me know please. ;)

As I am sick all the time, AC is a pretty good mean to keep busy and distracted and calm. When feeling better I work in the garden to make real things grow, like strawberries, watermelons, turnips (the ones you eat :p), potatoes or cumcumbers. I love flowers as well, and bugs. If you are found of bugs let me know ! I also like birds but my cats eat them. :( I have 9 cats (actually they are not all mine but they live here) and a female dog (haha the word I used at first was censored !). I wish I had rabbits and chickens as well. (did I say I love animals ?) :p

I used to work in IT, mainly on Ubuntu, Debian, Windows XP and Vista. I used to work in retail, in warehouses, as a babysitter. I study social sciences and I read a lot. I also am a writer. But sorry this is all french !

I cannot wait to meet you.

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