Hi! I'm Flare, and... I'm kinda new here... (Help please)

Flare the Magical Bear

Senior Member
Aug 21, 2015
Orange (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
I'm kind of trying to get used to this, and all I really know how to do so far is click on topics and stuff. (I was lucky to get here) So, um... Could someone please help me a bit?
Hi! Welcome to Bell Tree! :)

OK, so it looks like you've got posting down already! I'll tell you a little bit about the different sections of the forum. So, the "Town Hall", where we are now, is for introductions and rules and stuff. In "Animal Crossing: New Leaf" you can talk about AC:NL, exchange friend codes to visit people online, and trade/buy in-game items and villagers will people. I'll explain villager trading in a bit. In "Animal Crossing", you can talk about any past or upcoming AC games. Then there are two general discussion sections where you can talk about other games (the first one) and whatever in the world you want (in the second one)

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OK: so, there are two types of currencies that people talk about on this forum. "IGB" means in-game-bells, which are bells you have on your AC:NL game. "TBT" is the forum currency. You can earn TBT by posting, or other members can give them to you. You can see how many bells you have under the number of posts you have (which is under your avatar). You can use TBT to buy things on the forum, such as avatar, signatures, or even villagers in the game!

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Now I'll explain villager trading. If there is a villager you are looking for, go to the Villager Trading Plaza and post on the "Looking for/Buying" thread. That way, if someone has that villager moving out, they know to contact you. If a villager is moving out of your town and you want to sell or give them away, you can make a thread titled "(Villager name) is in boxes!" and add a prefix (you will see those when you go there) saying Selling, trading or giveaway. Depending on what tier the villager is in (there is a thread that explains tiers in the Villager Trading Plaza) you could get a lot of money for the villager.

In the Villager Trading Plaza you will also see cycling threads. Cycling means that they are time traveling (TTing) in their animal crossing town in order to make villagers move out quickly. In some cycling threads you can get villagers for free, and in some you can buy them.

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One more thing should know is the messaging system. You can send someone a PM (private message) by clicking on their name and then choosing "send private message". You can send someone a VM (visitor mesage) by going to their profile, which you can also find by clicking on their name,

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions. And be sure to read the rules! ;)
Hi, if you want a good, fun group you can hang out with, come join team popsicle!
Welcome to TBT c: im guessing VanessaMay18 already helped you a bunch but if you have any more questions, feel free to ask c: