Hi! I'm not much...


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2009
Hey, Numner here, or I hope im just not crazy >_<
So yeah hey.. :p
My town is pretty new, but I have a nook n' go, and a basement in my house, but not a flag D: My town ain't shnabby (er) and I'm pretty warned some times so be random :D
Thats it....
Well this is....
Fast replies!
:D Thanks, I saw your community from a YouTube video, I'll give credit where credit is due when I find out by whom it was made... I try using the best grammar and spelling I can, but I'm not always perfect so... :{ sorry
Yay!!! Love doom, Pain and Death are the ultimate happiness :D
Sometimes...If your emo... I need to be emo, they know how to be happy!
I'm not emo, just emotional man...but nah, I'm not bad when I cool off, allitle like coffee.
Erm ( no pun intended )
It's *coffeh. There's another coffee person on TBT, he's the coffee. I'm teh coffeh. I was here first, and I pwn all .;o
Yes indeed coffeh, why did someone join TBT called coffee knowing that there already was a teh coffe?? confusing indeed.
Glad thats over, now I'm sleepy. Well I guess it's about time I try to mean something to the community. Time to vote :D