Hi there!


Jul 7, 2015
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Apple (Fruit)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Blue Candy
Yellow Candy
Green Candy
Hey there everyone! I'm excited to have found such an active AC community, and a very friendly looking one at that.

My name's Blake, or I go by Alien. I've been apart of previous communities since AC:Gamecube, and took a bit of a long hiatus between WW and now. My girlfriend and I have just gotten into New Leaf two weeks ago and we are absolutely hooked already. I regret not finding this forum earlier since I've only now learned about things like resetting and plot placing.

Looking forward to meeting everyone here!
Glad you can join us! :)
A lot of fun things to do here and nice people to meet.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Welcome to TBT :)
Ayylien is an awesome user title!
Will do Cucco! Thanks for the welcomes you two!

Haha, I appreciate that ShinyYoshi. Sticking with the Alien theme.
Hey there! That is nice you play animal crossing with your girlfriend! I do not have the guts to even ask my boyfriend.

I bug my other guy friend about it though and he still wont play the game. haha
Thank you MissLily. Welcome to the forums also jingle, lots of new members signing up here. I haven't been on a forum this active in years, so much to sift around and read.

You should definitely try to bring it up to him Synn! It's a great bonding game. It's helped that we started at the same time, so we've gotten the chance to help each other out with various sets that we like early on.