Hi there!


Senior Member
Oct 6, 2015
I've been on the forums for about a week but forgot to introduce myself, heh.

New Leaf is my first animal crossing game, and after not playing it for a few months I decided to pick it up again
and found this forum :)

Also, a question; I heard that TBT are the currency in this forum, but how do you earn them and how can you convert them to IGB bells? Also, I see some people bidding 3 million bells on bidding threads, how do they get so much money :eek:
& what does cycling and voiding mean? I tried to find it in the FAQ but I dont' see an explanation anywhere..

I hope to get along with you all :)
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Hello, welcome :)
You earn TBT by posting lots or selling things to people. I'm not sure the conversion, I've been lurking and seen 100TBT = 20mil IBG. Some people get lots of money by duping/duplicating their items or bells (aka cheating :) ), by selling turnips at high prices, or by bug hunting on the island at night time. Selling perfect fruits in other towns works too.
Cycling is when people have their towns specifically for cycling through villagers and giving them away or selling them! Voiding is when they just move past their move out date without anyone taking the villager. They go into their "void" where they can sometimes be transferred to other towns just by connecting with them via wi-fi or local play.
hiya! welcome to tbt!

tbt can be earned by posting, and other members can give you tbt. you'll find members of this site who are interested in trading tbt for igb, the current rate is 100 tbt for 20 million igb. I assume they got their bells from catching bugs on the island, it's a very fast and efficient way to make bells.
Cycling means that a member is getting villagers out of their town as soon as possible, and the threads are normally to get certain villagers for their town or to sell villagers to other people.
Voiding is when a villager moves out of your town and doesn't move to a friend's town. Voided villagers sit in your game's data until it finds another game to pass that villager to-- like if you played with your friend, the voided villager would probably move into their town if they had less than ten villagers.

I hope these explanations were clear enough! enjoy your time here!♥
Thank you all for your help! :)

(also, I catch those bugs as well to get money, but it would certainly take a long time for me
to get to 20 million, heh.. so respect for those people :p)
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Welcome to TBT I hope you'll like it here! You can catch beatles on the island and make around 200k a trip! Another way is grow a bunch of perfect fruit trees and sell the fruit at a town with a different native fruit. That way, they sell for 3,000 bells for just one fruit!