Having a choice of who you design for is definitely nice! I have a feeling Tybalt isn't leaving my beach until I design him a gym.
I really enjoyed the final product of my design for Alice (she wanted an antique cottage), and I really liked designing for Olivia because her favourite colours are black and white, and I think my room came out well! It wasn't my best room, but I also really liked designing Bertha's house, because I haven't interacted with her before and she seems really sweet! โค
I invited Phoebe by amiibo, and I realised I should have waited a little longer, until I'd unlocked more furniture. Even though they provide you with some items for each villager, I definitely realised I was missing items that would match her aesthetic!
I did order series 5 amiibo, but the postal tracking says they will arrive on Tuesday!

I don't really have a favourite of series 1-4, but I do love seeing how Isabelle's outfits changed over the series.
Who have you designed for so far, and who was your favourite? Since they were your first amiibo cards, do you think they were worth the value? Were you hoping to get a specific villager, and did you manage to get them?
I also just realised your PFP is Bertha! Is she your favourite villager, or do you have another?