
Junior Member
Aug 15, 2015
Hello! 😊 My acnl name is Andrea and my dream address is 4600-5881-9057. Feel free to have a look around my town. I decided to join the forum because i don't have any friends who play acnl and would love to make friends who do lol. Playing alone is fun, but friends get you things you other wise can't and to me personally they add to the game experience. 😀
I look forward to meeting and helping others with their games.
Merry met everyone! If you have questions feel free to ask! 😃
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Nice to meet you :) and thank you. I certainly hope i do. I've had some bad experiences with forums in the past. People can be terrible. Took me almost a year to decide on joining here. My husband and i both have had our fair share of rude people. But, so far it seems like a friendly atmosphere here. :)
I almost forgot i will have to pm you tomorrow. Im about to head to bead it's nearly 2am my time lol
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Hello! Welcome to the forums :D
I can't help but notice your username, but are you a fan of the Fate series/Type-moon games?
Hello! Welcome to the forums :D
I can't help but notice your username, but are you a fan of the Fate series/Type-moon games?
Actually no lol I'm really into Arthurian legends. Like Excalibur, the holy grail, round table, merlin ect.
But, if those games have anything to do with those things. I'd be willing to check them out.
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hello there c: i'll be sure to check out your dream town when i have time, and welcome to tbt. feel free to vm/pm me any time if you want to chat, and im up for playing acnl if you'd like^^
Thank you everyone for the welcomes and nice to meet you all :)

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hello there c: i'll be sure to check out your dream town when i have time, and welcome to tbt. feel free to vm/pm me any time if you want to chat, and im up for playing acnl if you'd like^^
That would be great XD thank you very much and I will PM you to ask if you are available to play :)
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