My name honestly is not that common, at least I haven't met that many people who had my name in all the years that I have been alive. It's not a unique name either.. it just isn't a popular one. I'm okay with that, I always liked that I didn't have anyone in my class as the same name as me. I will admit when I hear someone say my name but it isn't towards me I do get confused.
my birth name is not common, it used to be more common in older generations. constantly hearing "thats my grandmas name!" was so incredibly annoying. i hate my name lmao. my parents named me after both of my grandparents who are the worst people i know. yet all of my siblings got named after songs my parents liked or something more significant to them. i was a cop out obviously
My name is really common in my country. It's maybe spelled a little bit differently than usual, but it's still a common spelling. I know at least 2 people with the same name as me and I've met many, many others over the years.
I'm fine with it! I like my name, I think it suits me and I was partly named after my dad. I also think having a normal name is better because I never have issues with pronunciation or getting rejected from jobs bc I have an 'unserious' name lol.
My deadname is super duper common. Miraculously, in elementary school, I was the only person in the school with my name, so it didn't bother me. But as soon as I got to high school/university, there were soooo many people with my name, and I started disliking it more and more as time went on (how common it is plus how "girly" it is).
My chosen name is not common. I know of a couple people who use it as a nickname, but I don't know anybody who uses it as their full name.
My real name is relatively common. I've only known a handful of other people with the name throughout my life, so it's not THE most common name (names that I've known to be really common have been names like Jennifer). I tend to be the only one with my name in any given room so that's nice.
Mine isn't that common. I've only known two other people with the same name. More recently I found out its origins, made a lot of sense given my ethnicity. In doing so, I found the various other meanings in different languages. Some are pretty cool! I was initially indifferent about my name, but I've grown to like it more.
Definitely not, I actually kind of wonder if I’ll ever even hear of anyone else with it. I used to hate it a lot, but over time I’ve grown to not mind it as much. I usually just have people call me a shortened version of it that’s slightly easier to pronounce, but it still uses the full version of my name on attendance and things like that, so every year I have to deal with it. It’s still really annoying when people say it wrong and I have to correct them, and kind of embarrassing if it happens in front of a crowd.
absolutely not lmao, my first name is very rare that i avoid any instance of mentioning my real name online. in fact, for majority of people that know me, i'm the only one they personally know with said name. 95% of the time people mess up spelling and pronouncing my name right that i never bother to correct them anymore. i promise they will NOT remember how to spell/say my name, the only people who do remember are close friends and family. and even then barely anyone calls me by my full first name. i always go by a nickname instead
i dont hate my name per se, it's like a personal gift from my dad so it still means something to me. i just kinda wish it wasnt difficult or that people would be bothered to check the spelling.
It's only common locally. The funny thing is that our AC version doesn't feature it because it usually has more oldtimey names.
Only recently was there an american series with several famous actors that featured it for a minor character, odd pronounciation.
my actual name is a common one and i used to hate it growing up. i think the more i've grown up, i've been leaning towards liking it? i think it's pretty imo and fits me, so the hate i used to have for it isn't really there anymore.
My name is Dana and it is not very common and I love my name so I’ve always been super happy with it. I hate the fact that get pronounced wrong a lot as loads of teachers would pronounce it Danna (Dan-uh) But other than that, I’ve never really had a problem with my name at all.
Uncommon enough that I've never met another person with the same name. But I kinda like that. It's been called weird a few times and I've had plenty of issues with people not knowing how to spell or pronounce it.
Yeah, not gonna say it but it's a very common name. My last name isn't super common though and people always have trouble pronouncing it the first time.
I think my name is very common in my age group. I wish it wasn't but eh, that's fine. Probably all the mothers back then thought it was a pretty name. I don't love it, I don't hate it, it just is.