Hit the person above with a random object of choice

*sobs because you used my hand* the hell dude, I used that to poop! Thats it, you die now! * gets out shotgun and shoots your sig*
*Throws <div class='spoiler_toggle'>This Girl</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
]</div>at you*
*Chaos Blasts you all...but failing so I leave the room quietly and slowly...* ...it almost worked right?
*Hits you with creativity*
(Doc6: I thought you said that you lacked creativity, hm?
Me: Ummm....
Doc8: She said, very clearly may I add, 'I lack culinary creativity!!!'.
Me: *Runs after creativity* Come back I miss you!!!!
Doc6&8: *Facepalm*
Me: You know nothing of facepalms!
Sherlock: I go out for ten minutes and what do I see when I get back? I see Emma running after...HER CREATIVITY?!)
*Hits with sanity*
(Doc6: *Facepalm*
Me: That wasn't my sanity silly! I don't have enough of it to fill a shoe box!
Doc6: So who's sanity did you use?
Doc8: NO SHERLOCK! A cigarette lighter is not for cutting your hair!
Me: Well, Sherlock had lots of sanity to spare-
Me: Okay, okay! You timelords can't take a joke can you?!
Sherlock: *FaceLighter* ARGH MY FACE!!!)