hoi goise.


Deleted User

i'm new. i think i joined (before) like 1-2 maybbee years ago, not sure.
ANYWAY, yeah my name is aly, i am 13.

i have city folk and wild world and hope to like the bell tree :D <3

i like:



i am a horrible topic writer. whutevs.

hi. 8D
welcome to the bell tree.

if you want to play animal crossing/came for that, sorry to say there aren't a whole lot of people who still do that. there's zap heroes, i don't know where they've gone to, and there's a few other people who go in and out asking for tips, and what's going on on wifi.

use the PM system to contact those people, or make a topic or two in one of the animal crossing boards if you need/want to do something, other than that, just try to enjoy the community more than the game. :p

don't take anyone seriously, unless they're being serious, and you'll be fine :)

there's a fair amount of artists floating around, i'm sure you'll fit in somewhere
Welcome to TBT~

Yay for same-agers(?). :DD
And kudos to you for agreeing with me that Lee Taemin's hot.
'Cause he is.
So yeah.
Well I enjoy sleeping too.

omg so much in common let's be bestie frandz 4ever

But welcome nonetheless. x: