Apparently the inline spoiler over
@Username doesn't allow it to be clicked in some mobile browsers. I removed them now, but so we can keep the mention alerts, here are the winners again!
2 winners: Your choice of either one
Aurora Sky,
Snowflake Glow Wand,
Frost Easter Egg, or
Snow Bunny collectible.
- Congratulations @Mr_Persona!
- Congratulations @OswinOswald!
10 winners:
150 bells.
- Congratulations @Antonio!
- Congratulations @digimon!
- Congratulations @xlisapisa!
- Congratulations @leohyrule
- Congratulations @Adventure9!
- Congratulations @DaisyFan!
- Congratulations @Peach_Jam!
- Congratulations @Rosch!
- Congratulations @boring!
- Congratulations @moonphyx!