Home IP Banned


The Late Great Turt
Mar 16, 2014
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
So I just got a text from my boyfriend, whom I was messaging on here from work, that our home IP got banned. I have notified Mods before that he and I are on separate accounts but share a home computer when I am not at work, and thus have two accounts sharing an IP.
We don't trade bells or anything on the site, in fact he rarely even posts in the threads and uses the site as a way to e-mail me at work for the most part.
His account name is camburn and we both use the computer at home so if we could get the IP un-banned, or let us know what needs to be done to get it un-banned and to prevent it from happening further.

Thank you.
You should start a PM conversation with staff about this issue so it can get fixed. Having input from the TBT community on this thread will do little good for you. Best of luck.
I went to the contact us tab and it said that this is the quickest way to get stuff taken care of so I gave it a shot. I will message an online mod though, thanks for the idea.
Some of you may have noticed the forum loading extremely slowly tonight. This was due to thousands of bots shuffling through our files, so we've temporarily banned a wide range of IP addresses. Unfortunately this bans some legitimate users who fall in the same range, but we'll be turning the ban off soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Some of you may have noticed the forum loading extremely slowly tonight. This was due to thousands of bots shuffling through our files, so we've temporarily banned a wide range of IP addresses. Unfortunately this bans some legitimate users who fall in the same range, but we'll be turning the ban off soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!

I'm guessing you don't have an estimate as to when this'll be fixed? I know you can't totally control it even with the IP banning, but unfortunately it's been about 11 hours and the bots are still very much slowing things down.
It was better this morning but the site's getting unbearably sluggish again :c Hoping it's fixed soon! It's getting really difficult to contact sellers and such when half the VMs time out.
It was better this morning but the site's getting unbearably sluggish again :c Hoping it's fixed soon! It's getting really difficult to contact sellers and such when half the VMs time out.

ESPECIALLY since, at least as of right now, the bots are really flooding up the Villager Trading Plaza (153 people viewing? Really?) :c