Pokémon Hop - Good rival or the worst?


- Gone -
Jul 17, 2015
So the new rival for the player in Sword and Shield is Hop and I find it interesting how different the opinions from the Pokemon fandom are for this character. One part says he's enjoyable and also a worthy rival, some people even says he is the best one so far. The other part thinks he's the most annoying rival of all time, calling him a bad Hau clone and overall a not good character. What's your opinion about Hop? Do you like or more dislike him?

I think he's overall ok. Not my favorite character from the Pokemon games to be honest, but not that bad as people say and still better than those rivals from Gen 6, which I found overall pretty lame and more annoying than Hop.
I think he’s alright to be honest. I don’t really feel like he’s that noticeable, imo, but I wouldn’t say he’s a bad rival. I still haven’t beat the game yet though, so I can’t say for sure what I think of him yet. :p
I like him, he's sweet. He also has an interesting story, with his brother being the champion. I don't get why people want the rival to be mean, I don't think that would be automatically a better story/character.

Though I think Marnie would be a better fit for the rival, I think that would be a much better focus point. Just the difference between your own hometown and then seeing Marnie's and her life like that. Seeing her wanting to be the champion, having a whole team behind her, only to see her lose to you. Much more interesting than a childhood friend who has had the exact same experience, motivation and dream as you.
I don't generally even remember the rivals post-Gen II, but for being a cliche nice rival, I actually liked Hop. I really came to feel bad for him by the end of the game. His motives are made clear, while our player character just mows over him like nothing and I really don't even know what the player character is about. I know that player characters have always been a blank slate and all, but it felt weirder in this game than the past ones.
Hop as a character to me is a little one-dimensional with the fact he's just out to 'be as strong as his brother'. I didn't really like how often he popped up tbh, it was like every route he's there, every town you reach he's there to show you something. I kind of like to be left alone to explore at my own leisure lmao.

But to me most importantly is the whole rivalry aspect seems much better in this game than all the others. The gym battle system as a region-wide competition in stadiums makes it seems like you actually are competing with your rival rather than just battling them at random points in the game.
I think he's fine, but I kiiiinda dislike how he keeps pushing the same narrative about "living up to his brother's name" but I can see the realism in it. There's a lot of pressure on kids in today's age to be as good as their siblings, but it can also contribute to their negative aspects. I see why people don't particularly like him as a rival, but I think although repetitive, he's a decent rival with real emotions and goals that is sorta overlooked. He is pretty competitive and wants to better himself, so I don't know. He's alright to me. I am also only on the fourth badge so I haven't seen as much as others.
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He has my favorite story of any rival and anyone who says he's a bad rival is invalid and I'm mad.
He was really annoying in the beginning, although as the game progressed he felt more like a fart in the wind.
Maybe some people think he had too much dialog in the beginning. Hau and Gladion played well off each other. Not a fan of Bede so far, but that is intentional. Maybe Bede is supposed to be similar to Gary.
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The rivals provided little challenge after the first half but out of all of them the first two battles with Bede provided the only challenge, the other two were eventually pushovers. He was too eventually.

I at least appreciated that Hop's team changed up through the game so you didn't know what to expect.
"good rival or the worst?"
How on earth can you ask a question like that when these guys exist?
^ LoL
so much was bad about Kalos it’s hard to remember it all
"good rival or the worst?"
How on earth can you ask a question like that when these guys exist?

Well, if you would have read my post, you would have seen that I actually mentioned these three here, even said that Hop is still better than them. I'm asking good or the worst because there are people out there who would put Hop in the same "Bad and forgettable rivals"-boat as these guys.
Well, if you would have read my post, you would have seen that I actually mentioned these three here, even said that Hop is still better than them. I'm asking good or the worst because there are people out there who would put Hop in the same "Bad and forgettable rivals"-boat as these guys.

I think if someone made a top 5 worst list, Barry and the one from black and white 2 would be there. "You're about to feel my rage."
Well, if you would have read my post, you would have seen that I actually mentioned these three here, even said that Hop is still better than them. I'm asking good or the worst because there are people out there who would put Hop in the same "Bad and forgettable rivals"-boat as these guys.
oops my mistake, sorry, >.>

Anyways, tbh I haven't completed the game just yet, but other than battling him too often and his constant "oh you know your type advantage." line I don't see anything wrong with him. People compare him to Hau but they are actually opposite since Hau has too much fun and wasn't serious enough while Hop is getting a little too serious and is forgetting to have fun. So far being the undefeated champ's brother is far deeper than it seems. Overall, not the most interesting character but an interesting character nonetheless
"good rival or the worst?"
How on earth can you ask a question like that when these guys exist?

dang, I forgot about these sad excuses of characters. God this picture brings back nightmares.
I think if someone made a top 5 worst list, Barry and the one from black and white 2 would be there. "You're about to feel my rage."

To be honest, I actually liked Barry. Maybe because Diamond was one of the first Pokemon games I've played back then and found his behavior kind of funny through the story. So therefore, I wouldn't put him on such a list, but understand it then again when others would do, as his personality may be a bit too childish for certain players. As for the rival from Black and White 2, he was... acceptable, sort of, could be worse. Found him here and there kinda weird acting (like with the quote you posted). Overall not really my favorite and he's also forgettable in my opinion.