So I'm creating a hospital (out of a full house). I need help pointing out which furniture would match the departments or overall hospital theme. I know some of them, like the: scale, hospital bed, skull, doctor items, etc. But I need further help.
Main Room (Med) : Check-In
Back Room (Small): Office & Medical Records / Radiology
have you considered putting a lab anywhere? because that could do with neurology/cardiology/radiology/genetics...if you want it super creepy you could do the entire basement in that theme. the lab wallpaper and floor are both pretty cool.
the stadiometer
did they get rid of the hospital bed from nl?
nurses uniforms/doctors uniforms
anatomical model/skeleton model
arcade games? for the iv/heart monitor *i know thats a stretch though lol but one of them might look ok or if you put them sideways*
camping cot *if you want part of your hospital to be triage*
changing room
digital scale
my sick sense of humor would put the Were Open sign outside lol *sorry*
folding floor lamp/spotlight
iron worktable
ironwood bed *tatami beds are prettier, but not hospital-ey*
ironwood kitchenette
ironwood low table
ironwood dresser
long bathtub
plain sink/utility sink
serving cart
whirlpool bath/bathtub *recovery*