Heights: Not afraid
The dark: Depends. I have trauma from certain situations which gets triggered when home alone at night. However, in a general sense, I'm not scared of the dark itself.
Insects: Only beetles, centipedes, grub worms or similar looking worms, and earwigs.
Closed spaces: Again, not afraid of them in a general sense. However, on a plane I struggle with getting ill and once I feel ill it then triggers feeling claustrophobic in the plane.
Heights: It's more of a fear that I'm going to fall and die but I guess I'll say yes anyways
The dark: Nah. I do like to see where the hell I'm going though.
Insects: Just those evil ass house centipedes and moths
Closed spaces: This is one of my worst ones actually, I'm pretty badly claustrophobic and cleithrophobic so. I even get a bit dizzy after being in an elevator lol
Heights: Not a big fan of heights x - x I always look down and psyche myself out LOL. I actually do like being up high though because the view is beautiful. I'll always be anxious, but at least I can appreciate the view!
The dark: Eh, not a big deal. I don't mind being the in the dark at all. Things are nice and cozy when they're dark anyways.
Insects: Yeah no terrified. It's actually inhibited me from doing stuff before if there was a spider or bug on the wall. It's literally an irrational fear. I'm usually too scared to even kill them.
Closed spaces: Meh not a big deal either. I would say it's cozy more than anything.
Heights: I'm usually ok with heights if I'm indoors, like inside a building, but I don't do well with ladders, bridges, stuff like ferris wheels, etc. When I was in the Army we did an obstacle course once where we had to climb this huge log ladder that was like 60 feet tall, I cried the entire way up and the entire way down lmao. If it's any higher than standing on a chair to reach something, I'm going to be uncomfortable.
The dark: I'm usually really good with darkness! I have had a few issues when I was off my anxiety meds where being in the dark freaked me out, but that was also bc I became convinced my 90 year old house was haunted haha
Insects: Some of them I don't mind, like ladybugs or roly-polies, mantids, stuff like that. But spiders absolutely terrify me.
The only thing I fear is the dark. It's not crippling fear, but I need to have a light on as I sleep or be in the room with another person if there are no lights
I am not overly scared of Insects, like if one is on me, no thank you. But just seeing them and stuff I'm not too bad with. I am not really scared of heights, I actually enjoy roller coasters and stuff like that. Now I am sure un-tethered heights where I could fall would be different for me. I am scared of the dark to an extent, but that's why I use a light.
Heights don?t bother me at all. I actually think they?re kinda cool, and even if I fell I guess that would be a cool way to go out.
The dark isn?t exactly scary, but when I?m at home alone in the dark after seeing something scary, then it?s terrifying. Kinda weird, but for me it just depends on the day.
I hate all bugs, especially if they?re spiders. I have a whole new hatred for ants after seeing that picture of an ant?s face underneath an electron microscope that went around Reddit a while back. Bugs are so gross...
Closed spaces don?t bother me at all, but there are some extreme cases where they might. overall though they?re not too bad~
Heights: Nope. It's fun to sometimes go to high places to see the view.
The dark: Absolutely not. I prefer pitch black rooms to sleep in, honestly. Light wakes me up. Sometimes when I sleep in a hotel or at another person's house and they have an alarm clock with the glowing lights, the light from THAT wakes me up.
Insects: Not in general. I hate roaches because they're gross and get in everything. I hate aggressive types of bees such as wasps because I've been stung badly by them in the past for no reason. Mosquitoes are the worst. But other than that, bugs are cool. I have some bushes with these purple flowers in my yard that attract these big, fuzzy, friendly bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, who all want the pollen and nectar. It's the best. My house is also very near some creeks and ponds so I see dragonflies often. I love 'em.
Closed places: Depends on what you mean. I don't mind closed places in general. But I hate crowded places. Too many people around give a boxed in, scary feeling to me.
Heights can be a bit disorientating but I don't think I've ever been up high enough to get really scared (but you couldn't pay me to sky-dive so maybe I am scared of heights)
I'm always out at night so the dark doesn't bother me anymore, although I was scared of it in the past. The only exception is dark woods, like I couldn't walk through a forest at night, too creepy.
I love bugs and spiders, but I'm really super ultra disgusted by dead ones so it's kind of like being scared? As long as they're alive we're good.
Not really afraid of hights, more afraid of falling and ladders (long story)
Used to be afraid of the dark ages ago when I was an little kid, but I got over it ages ago and now I really enjoy dark spaces
For insects it kinda depends on what it is
Not afraid of tight spaces, not claustrophobic so I'm fine
heights: I can do roller coasters and high things when I know I'm safe and strapped in (like rides) but other than that I get scared looking from the 2nd floor to the bottom floor at the mall
The dark: I actually hate the dark so much, I can never see and think someones watching me
Insects: most don't bother me except for a few ugly creepy ones (like centipedes)
Tight spaces: those don't bother me AT ALL I'm not claustrophobic as long as I can breath and am comfortable