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How did 'that' villager become your 'dreamie'?


The New Architect
Jan 21, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Yellow Pansy
Father's Day Carnation
Candy Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Blue Balloon
Fair Pinwheel
Togepi Easter Egg
Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Fair Pinwheel
Last time I saw a topic like this I had nothing to say, but it again came to mind when I adopted Whitney literally moments ago.

I recently decided to make Whitney a 'dreamie' for my second town for an unusual reason: I never particularly cared for wolf villagers or Whitney, but I remember seeing another player (sounded like a grown man) smacking her over the head with a net while fuming and calling her something that starts with 'b' because he despised that villager, and simply for that reason I wanted to adopt her.

I know, just pixels, and not exactly unpopular (a 'tier 1,' to be exact), but ironically that video* made me want to adopt Whitney.

Must be the animal lover kicking in even in the video gaming world.

* Speaking of mentally disturbed, the player I alluded to uploaded a video showing him wailing at Whitney, heh, and I stumbled upon it on YouTube looking for something about New Leaf but otherwise entirely unrelated
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Flo, Bluebear, Bree, and Skye are all dreamies because I have found them town/campsite resetting. :I I don't have an exciting history with most of my dreamies, they're mostly there because they're cute.
Hitting villagers with a net is so mean. It'd make be feel bad no matter how ugly or annoying they are... Probably. Go you for saving at least one wolf from possible animal abuse!

I was around 10 or 11 years old when we got Animal Crossing for the GC. And in that save file, I made a very best friend: Sydney. Just seeing her walking around with that cute face of hers made me happy. And her catchphrase is sunshine! How cute is that? Even years later, when I'd already abandoned the game, I started up my save file once to see what was going on, and if my statue was still as shiny as it used to be. And there was Sydney again, asking me where I had been and that she'd been waiting for me for 52 months. Now that, people, is true friendship.

Obviously I had to get her back in New Leaf. :blush:
When I first played, I didn't read any FAQs or anything so the only thing I knew about the game was what I saw in my town. I finally hit the forums to try to get non-native or island fruit, and the first thing I saw in someone's town was a big, happy blue wolf. I loved the way she looked and I revisited the town in a dream and Shrunk danced with her and the like. I loved that big, huge wolf mouth. I became a wolf fan, and Skye was my favorite. She is still a favorite, but I now have six of eight wolves and Freya's kind of my baby. It's mainly because of her hilarious expressions.


When she is shocked and jumps back with her eyes open, I just leave it there a minute and watch her breathing with that crazy look. It's great.
Elmer is just the cutest. He was in my first 5 but saddly moved out. I miss him too much and am going to get him back.
Originally I didn't want Chief and was resetting for Fang, but I looked at Fang and his Dopey eyes made me turn away, I kept thinking about who would be better Fang or Chief and I was stumped, next reset I saw Chief had PERFECTLY placed his plot next to Tia; I can't build my bridge sadly but he has the perfect spot and is now dear to me as a dream villager:D
Limberg is my ultimate dreamie in ACNL, because, despite being unpopular and "creepy looking", he was my dearest friend in Wild World.

I was 10 years old at the time, and Limberg was sort of a older-brother/advisor type figure to me. I want to see him again, so I made him my dreamie.
Eugene became my dreamy ever since I first saw him online, he was just perfect to me, I would like him in my new town. But Lyman also caught my eye as well. I had to choose who to pick since I couldn't choose both because I wanted 5 new villagers and 5 old back then. At the end I chose Eugene and he forever became my dreamy. :)
Stitches became my dreamie since he was a random move-in in my first town and I absolutely fell in love with him. First villager that moved in after the initial 5. I love him so much. <3
Most of my dreamies are villagers I had in my first town that I wanted to get again. Others are based on how much I liked them upon seeing their picture for the first time.
That's an interesting way for someone to become a dreamie! I like it!

I actually have two villagers. Rosie has been in every game I've had since Game Cube. I fell in love with her and needed her in my town.

Nana is a funny story, actually. When picking her up in a free Giveaway, I actually thought I was getting Nan. Nan was a dreamie I considered a while back and decided to have her into my town in case I end up deciding her. When I walked into the town and in the house which I thought was Nan, I saw Nana! I actually fell in love with Nana from that moment and decided to have her as a dreamie. I thought that was an interesting story.
I never liked Bruce, but he was in a giveaway once and I decided to take him in because otherwise he'd be voided. Then I ended up liking him cause he's like so cute. ;_; HE'S LIKE A DELINQUENT A-AND IDK BUT WITH A SOFT HEART IDK WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT OR IF THIS MAKES SENSE.

Then I started to like all "chill" badass villagers like Jacques, Kyle and Zell. <: I know they're all smug. derp
Most of my dreamies are villagers I've had in my village for a long time in NL and won't let them go. In Ankha's case, I had her in my village and I loved her, but I lost her because I had no idea how to TT properly.
In regards to Mitzi, in the GameCube version she lived in my town and was hands down one of my favorite villagers. I talked to her every day and basically considered her my best friend in the game. When I found out she was in New Leaf, I wanted her in my town for nostalgic reasons.
When I found out she was in New Leaf, I wanted her in my town for nostalgic reasons.
I suspect this 'nostalgia factor' contributes a lot to which villagers are popular, and that oftentimes new players mystified by which villagers are most 'wanted' don't take it into account.
When I started playing ACNL, I was looking for "dreamies"

Cute villagers that also have a cute house.

I was browsing through wikipedia, then I saw the ONE.

She had a halo over her head, beautiful eyes, and an amazing catchphrase.

Her name is...


The single most adorable living villager was on my computer screen.

From that day on, I frantically searched for her in retail (before the villager trading plaza was even created)

Now I have her in my main town <3
Ah Claudia

She showed up in a tent. I didn’t visit till night. When she turned around I realized the hearts appear as bats at night. (Due to an odd pixelation issue) I love bats, and she seemed nice enough, so I let her move in.

Lo and behold:
1. Perfectly aligned plot placement
2. She gives me the most public works projects thus far
3. Has cute expressions

The second is Elmer. (Who I recently lost)

1. He sent an anniversary gift every month
2. Elmer regularly stopped by my Mayors home to feed him
3. Continually gave public works projects. All I had to do was find him the beach
I took Tom from the campsite because I thought he was pretty cool (but nothing really special). Soon after I met someone whose favourite villager of all time was Tom (he was also coincidently named Tom) so I agreed to give Tom to him when he moved out. Tom pinged a week later but changed his mind. In the next couple of months I became very good friends with both Toms. Tom the person eventually stopped playing before Tom the villager pinged again and I then realised I was too attached to him to let him leave. He reminds me of the best friend I ever made in Animal Crossing, which is nice because I really miss playing with Tom. We do still chat sometimes on social media though so it's not too sad. :)
Oh gosh. This may need its own spoiler. I'll be explaining all my dreamies, so gather around.

Bluebear <3

I believe I've told this story quite a few times already, but I'll tell it again. ^^

Long ago, when I was about 5, my mom took me to the local Target (a department store) for grocery shopping. I saw this little gray kitty (it was a stuffed animal, don't worry) on a shelf, and I absolutely fell in love with it. I begged, and cried, and begged some more for my mom to get her for me and she became my first ever stuffed animal. Unfortunately, I left the little kitty on another shelf and left her there. I was bawling for days until I got another one, a similar black one from my grandma's house and I loved her even more. After that, I wanted to get more toys. My mom didn't say yes to any of my requests to get a new one. Until we were grocery shopping again, and I was exploring the event section (you know, the seasonal one where the store stocks Valentine's Day, Christmas, etc. stuff) and I found the most adorable little stuffed bear. Of course, it was blue. I asked my mom to get it, (of course, by ask I mean cried for her to get it) and she let me have it. I named her Blue Bear, and she and Black Kitty slept by my side for 12 years. They're still some of my dearest stuffed animals now, and you could probably tell how happy I was to find out there was a villager named Bluebear. I spend days, weeks even to get her, searching for her everywhere until I finally found her. I don't pass up a single opportunity in the game to talk to her, because it's like I'm really talking to my dear Blue Bear.


Willow is the name of a character I used to roleplay as on another forum (MLP Forums) who I've grown very attached to after around 3000 replies to the roleplay. I've actually started roleplaying her before I got ACNL, so you could probably imagine my surprise when I saw that there was a villager named Willow. It's strange because in the roleplay Willow has already "died," so it'd be nice to have her in my town. It's not as heartwarming as Bluebear's story, but I still HAD to have her in my town.


I honestly really wanted Molly but decided to get Kyle instead. I wanted Molly because I live in a town where there's a law that you HAVE to stop your car when ducks are crossing the road. So while I was driving to the golf course to pick up my dad and my little brother, there were a bunch of little ducks crossing the road and one of them was a baby. I didn't have the heart to honk the horn, and I was reallly scared when I tried to inch the car over a bit and hope I didn't run them over. I was probably waiting there for like ten minutes for the ducks to cross, and the duckling kept staring at me the entire time and so did the other ducks. Eventually they went into a bush but I just thought the little duck was so cute. Molly reminded me of it. :3


I think I wanted Beau since I felt that I needed a lazy villager in my town. No personal experience for this one, but I just had to get him because he sort of reminds me of my little brother. Beau is also one of two dreamies my little sister has.


Cause he's the only cranky I like. Also I needed someone to ship Freya with.


She was my first move-in EVER and she's still never pinged me to move.


Kitt was also a random move-in and my little sister has grown attached to her. I couldn't let her go because she's such a sweetheart. <3


She's pretty and I love snooties. 'Nuff said.


I believe Marshal was a villager who was about to be voided (what the heck) and I had to take him. At first I just wanted him to leave. But I really like smug personalities and he ended up staying. ^^


I think I saw a deer while I was camping that looked just like Bambi/Fauna in the woods. I had to get her. :)
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Freya moved in and called me princess the first time we talked and that's when she became my dreamie. Merengue was a dreamie because she was absolutely adorable, and I love baking so I knew we would get along great. Fuschia was also a dreamie because she is pink and she has sass and I like that. :D