How did you design your museum exterior?


mine's basic af lmao

(I think I'll swap the bushes as new ones bloom into season, so it has that level of effort going for it)
I don't have any pictures, but I tried my best at creating the market street from NL. So I made a waterfall and pond surrounding my museum like they have in the actual shopping district. And Nooks/Able's is lined up like they were in NL (although I reworked it a bit)

At the time I just didn't know how to go about it, but I had something I could refer with the shopping area, so I used it as a reference. And it turned out pretty nice.
I don't have pictures handy, but my museum is right by the south beach, and I have a winding pathway with full dinosaurs behind it. Sort of like an outdoor walk-through area behind the museum.
My museum is pretty bland, to be honest. 😅 I'll try and remember to attach some pictures later! Mine sits in front of my tree orchard but is also pretty close to a staircase. There's not a ton of room in front of it for big furniture pieces or anything. Sometimes I'll sit furniture on either side of the entrance that'll change seasonally. During Easter I had the cute bunny day planters and then right now I have some cherry blossom branches I believe! I also have a little bench nearby as well. There's a little stepping stone path leading up to it and there are some flowers (although I want switch the colours I think). It's nothing fancy but I feel like my whole island is pretty subdued so it works out okay.
I'll post some new pics of mine soon (just gotta stop being lazy and, y'know, take them) but my museum is one of the areas that has had minimal change. In fact, I think the museum is the ONLY building I haven't moved at all (though I haven't moved my shops much, just over a square or two)- I had an idea for it planned out early on and loved how it turned out!


(click for bigger pics)

Alright, here it is! The main entrance has the triceratops skeleton + cut-out, while the side area is a tiny dig-site. My museum sits north of/behind my main shopping area, and is kind of the back of the more developed part of my island. (Across the river to the west is Ava's farm/the town orchard, which is right in front of my forest). Fun fact- this is the only area of my island where I utilize the wedding fence, and I think it looks pretty neat!

I haven't done it yet, but I've got some space just below the skeleton and right above the shops that I'm planning on doing an open air market for (it'll have art and cotton candy and just be kinda cute and cozy but also a little fancy, 'cause the museum deserves to be classy like that)

And just to the right of the skeleton is a slot for a house- I'm probably gonna put Bonbon's there for now (I love Bonbon, but man her home exterior is tough to work with!), it'll have a small yard and some nice fencing/bushes.

I've seen a lot of fabulous museum designs that make use of different levels and ramps, but I'm outta space for ramps, so that's not an option for me😛
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Mine is very simple.

I added some shrubs on both left and right side of the building. I also decorated it with a fountain at front with a few park benches.
There are very nice decorations going around here!!

For mine, I wanted to pay homage to some museums around the world that display some of their pieces outside it. So, I wanted equal representation for the 4 different exhibitions that Blathers made:


My island is pretty-heavy with the flowers, so they are here too. There are 2 fossils (the Triceratops skull is bursting through a wall and some animals play with it!), two haunted artworks to add a spooky vibe, two of the most gorgeous fish and bug models and two living sea creatures just chilling. The asteroid by the beach is a reference to Celeste.

i have to ask because i have nowhere near as cool stuff as you do. what are the large round stones that youve put the statues on? and what are the large verticle slates that appear in the background that have designs on them? they look larger than just a simple panel...and how did you get those gates as well? it seems that i dont have the access to these recipes(?) so how did you make those??? and what did you put the ram statues on? also, the stone blocks that have the stone bowls on them...i dont have those either and ive been playing for quite awhile! did you get those items?
i have to ask because i have nowhere near as cool stuff as you do. what are the large round stones that youve put the statues on? and what are the large verticle slates that appear in the background that have designs on them? they look larger than just a simple panel...and how did you get those gates as well? it seems that i dont have the access to these recipes(?) so how did you make those??? and what did you put the ram statues on?
Those round stones under the valiant statues are custom designs I found online, there were plenty of round stone custom designs you can find on the internet. As for the items used, it’s mostly simple panels with custom designs (the castle simple panel designs I found online too), the gate used in here is spooky fencing and the white pillars are upright lockers and safes from the back view. Hope that answers your question! 😀