I didn't look to be honest, but Target used to run this Black Friday deal to buy 2 games and get the 3rd free. I think you could mix up the different systems, but obviously got the cheapest free. Was always a great way to get a bunch of games at once and get a good deal or how some got me Christmas gifts in the past. I haven't checked in years though. Last time I checked it seemed they got more stingy with the rules and picked and choose what games qualified and it was always the games no one asked for and all the most wanted ones were excluded.
I was really busy this year, especially around that time, so I forgot to check. Maybe next year I'll remember, but probably not lol.
I took a look at gamestop and it honestly sucked. There were barely any good games. I was hoping for a new pro controller at the very least but all only cheap wired controllers were on sale as well. I didn't see any pokemon card deals. A lot of it was merch but nothing interesting. I guess me not having a lot of money in the first place could have been why things felt so uninteresting.