How did you find TBT?

Well somebody told me about the forums a very very very very very long time ago. I think perhaps in 2008/2009? xD We used to play Animal Crossing together sometimes and then he showed me the site. But yeah. Then one day something bad happened to me and I felt pretty depressed and upset and I thought, you know what, I need to join a new forum and talk to new people and get involved with discussions. So I went back to this site. :) And I'm still here now lol. I do still play Animal Crossing but I only really play online with like... One friend. xD
It was May 10th 2014. I needed a AC fourm to help with me with AC and make friends. Then on May 20th I joined.

I think I found it through google. ACNL is my first AC game, so I was basically googling stuff to help me understand parts of it better. It was probably when I was trying to learn how to get rid of unwanted villagers/time travel/plot reset.
I was looking for websites I can chat with ppl and trade and buy stuff. This and jvgs (which shut down) are the only two good sites I managed to find after looking for a whole year
I'm pretty sure Shirohibiki was the one who originally mentioned it, I think, because I had just gotten New Leaf and I told her I needed stuff and had no one to play with, so she mentioned this forum, pretty sure anyway.
I was on tumblr looking at a guide to making hybrids in New Leaf and the sidebar had something like "Join TBT!".
And then I did. :)

I actually found the page wow. [x]
checked tbt confessions and saw this site ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?)

jk, just literally searched for an animal crossing forum and yeah this popped up and ruined my life 2 years ago
I had been on a previous forum, JVGS or something like that, and it had been shut down due to trollers and stuff, and I was really sad about that. About a week later, I searched "animal crossing forums" and this was one of the first options so I tried it out and now I'm here.
I googled "villager trading" because I really wanted Merry and was sick of TTing for hours to get dream villagers from the campsite.
google i had signed up for these and a couple other sites but this and gamefaqs are the ones i still really use
i joined after watching a video on the accityfolk youtube channel

i'm p sure i joined because of this video

As you can tell by my join date, I joined right after I picked up New Leaf. I wanted to play with other people and expand my town in ways that would be impossible If I had played by myself. I must say that I'm glad I came to this site.
Someone on a Pokemon forum mentioned it and I Googled it and decided to join after I bought ACNL in December 2014.