How did you get into Animal Crossing?

I remember renting it from Block Buster, I didn’t understand what it was at first but then I became addicted and so I was able to buy it eventually. It’s a HuGe nostalgic game for me. 🥰
I remember my favorite villagers back then were Bob Savannah and Olivia.
Wild world i think.... I don't remember having a GameCube, but I do remember playing wild world a lot when I was 6, then I later got city folk, new leaf, and now new horizons
It was my 9th birthday sleepover party. I asked all 4 of my friends to bring their DS so we could play together. Two of my friends had Animal Crossing: Wild World. I had seen it at Gamestop, but was unsure of what the game actually was because I had never seen gameplay and was too young to be into YouTube (at that time, before there were YouTubers like there are now). They let me watch them play and then one let me make a character in her town. I was in love, and made my mom take us to the store the next day so I could use my birthday money to buy it. It's been my favorite game franchise ever since 🖤