From what i've learned, selling turnips at other islands that buy them for high prices is the faster option... if not there's the selling fish, bugs, fossils, etc. I know during the summer when I caught Sharks, they sold for a lot especially if the fish buyer is there! (i forgot his name forgive me ) and if you happen to wanter to tarantula/scorpion island and you have flick at your island, that's a perfect way to get bells. Oh and money rocks or money trees.
I have about 13.5 million, and I barely even used the stalk market. Mostly just selling fish and bugs since the day the game came out. Honestly, once you pay off your debts and buy the expensive items such as the royal crown, there is nothing of any import to spend large numbers of bells on. They begin to pile up naturally without even trying. Even depositing a modest 25k in the bank each day from selling random stuff will continue to build when you don't touch that money for anything.
I was quite lucky with my bells tbh, when we all first started back in March, I had a lot of resources since I was on till like 3am :'D So a lot of people who'd had crowns and stuff duped paid for the materials with crowns. I also have done the stalk market a bit, but currently if I need to make some bucks fast, I dive for creatures and sell them, seem to get around 20,000 for a pocketful. Either that or I make a tarantula/scorpion island, catch a load and sell to Flick if he's there, or the Nooks
I purchased bells using TBT on this forum to create my nest egg, and I've been maintaining it by casually selling fossils and fruits every day! Every single time I try to do the stalk market I mess up and ruin my turnips, or end up selling them for like, 6 bells more per turnip.
As everyone else has said, turnip market. But if you're wondering about the shops selling it and have 900mil+ bells; they hack and/or went to a hacked island lol
In the beginning I was selling a ton of the peacock butterflies, but then I bought a whole pocketful of turnips a few times and hunted the forum here for good prices and sold them, then a friend had a huge turnip price on her island and left her gate open for me, I TT'd to a Sunday and spent 4 hours going back and forth selling turnips until I had 20 million bells.
I have spent all those, but have built it back up to 4 million. I make blue and gold rose wreaths, shake all the trees for wasps and furniture, and catch any of the bugs that are worth at least 1000 bells, and a few other things around the island to sell. It all adds up, but the main source of my income was turnips. If I need to come into more bells I would probably just trade for TBT next time though as it would be quicker.
I made such a ridiculous amount off of turnip trading in the first few months. It was (and probably still is, I just haven't done it in ages) super easy to find islands with 500+ sell prices. I think I had around 25M at my peak wealth, and I considered myself to be a casual stalk market player.
As everyone else has said, turnip market. But if you're wondering about the shops selling it and have 900mil+ bells; they hack and/or went to a hacked island lol
Do you know much about hacked islands? Can you explain to me what that even means for them??? Like, can they just go to their ABD and change the amount in there?!?!?!
I have a release edition Switch that I could hack, but I don't understand what the appeal is, beyond getting a bunch of money I guess. The star fragment trees were cute though.
Do you know much about hacked islands? Can you explain to me what that even means for them??? Like, can they just go to their ABD and change the amount in there?!?!?!
I have a release edition Switch that I could hack, but I don't understand what the appeal is, beyond getting a bunch of money I guess. The star fragment trees were cute though.
With a hacked Switch, you get to manage your own saves, which means you can theoretically have as many islands on 1 Switch as you want. It also opens the door for near unlimited possibilities. You'd be able to have any item or villager you want, and at some point any map you want. Which includes placing the Town Hall anywhere you want. You should also be able to rename your player or island.
I don't think anyone here dabbles in that for NH, so this is probably not the best place to get advice on that.
My big early-game boosts were fishing, selling fruit and taking advantage of the hot items at the Nook's. Especially that last one. On days where shell items were hot my friend and I would merge our mats, crafted as many shell beds as we could, then sold them to split the profits.
I also had a surplus of those horrid tacky bunny eggs after Bunny Day. I couldn't stand lookin' at them, so they all got turned into egg beds, arches, etc. and sold. They actually turned a pretty decent profit.
We then held onto those bells until Sunday, bought turnips then turned those turnips into more bells. Rinse and repeat. Now I'm sitting on approx 30 mill bells I do absolutely nothing with.
Do you know much about hacked islands? Can you explain to me what that even means for them??? Like, can they just go to their ABD and change the amount in there?!?!?!
I have a release edition Switch that I could hack, but I don't understand what the appeal is, beyond getting a bunch of money I guess. The star fragment trees were cute though.
What I've noticed with this game (New Leaf too, but NH in particular) is that not everyone plays Animal Crossing for the life simulation aspects alone. With the devs implementing more and more customization aspects come players who consider the game more of a virtual diorama/dollhouse than a playable game. Players who approach AC as more of a diorama simulator need more resources and bells than the ones who just want to play. A lot of them are more than willing to hack or work with people who hack to get them faster than they could by grinding. For them it's more about decoration and aesthetics than 'fairness', because their fun comes from showing off their decoration skills. Personally, I see no problem with it as AC is not a competitive game. Nobody gets hurt by hacking. And, as of the writing of this post, malicious bricking with building seeds seems to be a thing of the past. Let's hope it stays that way.
It's a lot like the divide between builders and household players in the Sims community. Neither is better or a 'truer fan' than the other, they just take different things from their experience.
Turnips are an obvious answer, but it also helped that it was at a time when the game was still new and people were playing AC during lockdown, so there were a lot of islands you could travel to. I remember people would wait in lines and had to pay some sort of crazy entrance fee like stars fragments or a really specific item.
@JKDOS@Crowsie Thank you guys for your responses! I agree wholeheartedly with you Crowsie, and comparing it with the way people play The Sims is a really good way to think about it. My only complaint with the hacking was the risk of it affecting other non-hacked players but it seems that that has passed, knock on wood!
In case Nintendo is watching, I will NOT hack my switch, I promise. I like playing AC as it is, even though you've made it ever so slightly harder to TT!