How Do you Deal with Animal Crossing Burnout?

So, I'm sure we've all been there before. We're playing these games daily, doing our dailies (haha), making our animal villagers happy (or angry), all the while perfecting our town/island to match our grandiose vision.

In my case, I played New Leaf religiously practically every day until New Horizons dropped. Even during that time I felt like I needed a break from New Leaf. Four years later (how has it been four years since New Horizons dropped omg) and I'm burnt out on New Horizons.

Time and time I feel nostalgia for New Leaf and want to go back, and I've tried going back twice. But within a week the burnout sets in yet again.

Onto the question at hand - what do you do when you have a burnout in Animal Crossing? What steps do you take to spark that joy and passion that disappeared? Does playing other games in the series help? Or is an extended and necessary break all you need? I'd love to hear what you all think.
I just wait until I get nostalgic of playing it last year and then boot it up again until like January.
I stop playing for ages, then when I want to come back, I add a new player to keep my villagers.
I give up on the game for however long it takes me to want to play the game again. Could be days, months, more. I do experience burnout a fair amount, even though I don't play all the time. I go through phases quite quickly, leading me to fly from topic to topic.
I just give it a rest then keep playing. Sometimes I wait months between playing and it makes me super excited to get back into it
It depends on the kind of burnout I'm having. If I'm burnt out from a specific part of the game (i.e. decorating in New Horizons), I do something else instead. If I'm burnt out of the game as a whole, I stop playing it until I'm ready to come back to it. I try to avoid burnout by challenging myself in some type of way, but it doesn't always work.
I can't even remember the last time I played lol, it might have even been before or right after they added all that crazy cooking stuff.