• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

How do you guys have time for AC?

Since I have no friends I do pretty much all my studying and HW during break or wutever. I only have one activity (table tennis) and that takes up like 7h tops of my week. And since I have no life ATM I have so much time to play c:
It's called a portable system for a reason, I take it with me everywhere, so times I'm waiting in line, on a train, on the toilet, I pull it out, play it, boom, done for the day- now, originally took many, MANY times multitasking to get my 6 to 8 hours in. I'm soo glad New Leaf has gotten to the point I can play it in smaller 30 minute bursts- far easier!!
After playing for almost two years, I've done pretty much everything in the game and got my town to be just how I want it to be.

Every other day I get on for ten minutes max to check for rumors and see what's going on. I don't check shops or anything anymore.
It's pretty easy to find time to play when you've left school and the most work you can find is part-time...
between full enrollment in college and two jobs? procrastination. i don't have time for animal crossing. and yet here i am
I am a terrible student. That's how.

If I wasn't procrastinating with Animal Crossing I'd be playing the Sims. Anything but homework.
When I know I'm not going to have a lot of time to play, I play every day until a villager tells me they were thinking of moving. I tell them not to move, and then don't play for a long time. No villagers will move if you do this, I've noticed.
I'm in a sort of online school. I get to work on school at my own pace, so I have plenty of time to just relax if I need to.
It leads up to procrastination, but I feel good, and that's what's important to me. ^^;
I use it as a reward system for myself so I get my work done. For example, I'll finish a paper and grant myself half an hour of Animal Crossing, or I'll finish two papers and grant myself an hour, and so on and so forth.
I have absolutely no idea, if I'm honest! I am a working mum to two boys, with a 30 hour a week job, am a competition dancer and am studying a degree in Psychology on the side. Between parenting, studying, dancing, keeping a home and working, there is no reasonable way I should be able to fit *any* gaming in... but I somehow manage hours and hours per week!

I am trying to work out how I manage it... all I can say is that my husband is fantastically supportive! Except he bought ACNL today too, so I guess nothing is getting done around our house anymore! :/
I literally have no life. I go to a therapeutic school, so no worries with work, and I don't work, yet. So I pretty much have free time every day.
I usually play my Animal Crossing town after dinner, when I'm winding down before bed and that day's chores are done. I don't really have time to do a lot but I at least like to check on my villagers and do the dailies and maybe check out the shops if I have time. ^^ I can't always get on every day of course!
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I simply make time to play the game. Once you get everything down, playing the game takes a few minutes at a time. It's efficient, especially since I have school.
I make time to play the game by eliminating other activities. It's a case of what I like to do most at that point for me.
I take my 2DS with me /everywhere/ and literally only take ACNL out if the system fails and I need to poke around and troubleshoot x)

If you're at school like I am & have no friends, recess/lunch breaks are good for a bit of play time - as are any bus/train trips you need to do that take more than say, 10 minutes o:
I play whenever I want to/can and then leave it for a while. When I come back to play again, I time travel back to the last day I played. That way, I can be sure nothing went wrong and I can also avoid ripping my hair and face off while taking care of chores on the game when I'd rather relax. :lemon:
It's also good to play when I can't sleep!