How do you pronounce the letter H?

aych. ive only ever heard british people say it as haytch. same way they pronounce the h in herb :rolleyes:
Everyone I've ever known, including myself, pronounce it as "aych."
Haych. I don't think I've ever heard anyone personally call it "aych" ...
why would you pronounce it as haych, isn’t that wrong?? idk i might be mistaken but to me it seems like pronouncing m as mem instead of em.....
I, an American, say "aych". My British best friend says "haych". I honestly find it adorable but I tease her a lot for it.
i'm a filthy 'merican so i say "aitch"

'course, i've also dabbled in the spanish language, so i also pronounce it as "acha"
conversely, h is always silent in spanish words, so you really only do so when reciting the alphabet
I say "haytch" even though I'm from the U.S. I dunno, it's just the way I've always said it. I usually get weird looks when I do.

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aych. ive only ever heard british people say it as haytch. same way they pronounce the h in herb :rolleyes:

Really late reply, but I've heard a lot of people even in the US pronounce the h in herb, myself included lol
Aych/Aich for me. I also did not know that there were other ways to pronounce it. If I had it my way, "H" would be pronounced "ha", or just an exhale in the US.