How do you use flowers?

I probably have too many flowers on my island to be honest!

I use them to line my cliffs, to decorate some villager yards, line some pathways, or just have big sections of them in my shopping district. I like to alternate usually 2 or 3 flower types, so like pink hyacinth + white cosmos, or alternate all the flowers of one color, such as all the purple flowers.
I'm not really one to place a flower here or there randomly, though I do like the way that placement looks on other people's islands! I just can't help myself and end up placing tons and tons of flowers!
compared to new leaf, where I feel like a lot of the popular design trends involved flowers lining paths/houses/public works projects - acting kind of as 'filler' for any kind of space not occupied by the above - I've seen far fewer flower-filled NH islands. filling space with furniture and terraforming/waterscaping provides a much more vast range of expression, so I guess flowers have been relegated to being 'accents', especially on more urban/structurally organized islands. I do love it when people create big, open meadows though! mums, windflowers, and hyacinths were wonderful additions, even if they do spread like wildfire haha