How does Cooking work in new horizons???

Feb 10, 2025
I've just recently learned we have the ability to cook in new horizons, but where do I start? Do I have to unlock specific things to be able to cook? I'd like some advice and suggestions for how to go about cooking!! :lemon:
To cook in NH, you need the “Be a Chef! DIY recipes +” item from Nook Stop.

Cooking is similar to making DIYs, but with recipes instead. For cooking, the ingredients are usually fish, fruit, crops like wheat, corn, tomato, potatoes, pumpkin and rarely turnips. Cooking can also have a benefit for having energy similar to eating fruits to dig trees and break rocks. Also, you need a stove to cook.
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Building on the first reply, any stove should work, but there is also a DIY for a stove as well. And some recipes you'll only get by catching specific fish

That will tell you all the recipes and how you get them
i have a bit of a warning about starting cooking before youve gotten All the Other DIY recipes. the instant that you get into cooking, the villagers *for the most part*; will offer up the recipes instead of the DIY decorations for your island. i made that mistake by doing the cooking when it came up and now ive literally stopped playing the game because all i ever get are the recipes and rarely decor DIYs. so! if you havent started cooking already; just be forewarned that this is going to happen.
The cooking idea is cute you basically collect all the ingredients needed then need the recipe card to diy craft the meal.

I kind of wish that it was a mini game and you actually got to watch your character cook the meal. Like a mini cooking mama game :)
The cooking idea is cute you basically collect all the ingredients needed then need the recipe card to diy craft the meal.

I kind of wish that it was a mini game and you actually got to watch your character cook the meal. Like a mini cooking mama game :)
technically you do it does play out the cooking animation
just not that detailed