How easily do you trust people?

I don't trust most people. I will if I know them enough but not all the time I won't even when i know them good enough. It all depends on who the person is and what the situation is.
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Not at all; I feel like the only people I truly let my guard down around are my husband and my parents. I take an especially long time with friends because I've had lifelong friendships suddenly turn upside down on me, ones that I thought would be with me for the rest of my life. Now I have a very hard time making friends and always think they will forget about me for someone more interesting, or reveal some ugly part of their personality. I don't trust family that easily either, but they're always involved with some drama except for my parents, so I just keep my distance there too.
Not really. I'll talk about very general things with users online but will never reveal anything personal. I'm actually comfortable with a few friends now that I am happily married.
I definitely have trust issues, which have stemmed from my messed-up childhood. It takes me a while to get comfortable around someone new and open up. I definitely have a select few people who I trust with my life and some others I trust with our friendship.
I don't trust people all that much anymore. It seems many have their own plans like it is a game or just a little step towards something else. I do give benefit of the doubt most of the time until more flags show.
Idk, I just feel like most people have something they are chasing or trying to accomplish for themselves? I just feel like many people don't have an actual interest in people.

Online I don't really interact with others deeply. It's mostly just public spaces and random convos there. But sometimes that feels more real. Maybe because I'm just some stranger on the Internet and they can always just turn it off or hit the block button if they don't like something. They aren't bound to the say hi to be polite or ask how you are doing as a greeting while online either.
I'd say not easily at all. Just like you Croconaw I've had people that I thought were people I could trust or were friends, that turned out to be horrible human beings and/or massive creeps
I guess I could say I have trust issues, but that's only really cause no one's ever come along to disprove the idea that putting my absolute trust in someone else wasn't something that would eventually blow up in my face 🤷‍♀️

And yes definitely, DO NOT treat co-workers like friends that you can tell everything. They are 100% just there for a paycheck lol
I don't really have much to say about meeting people in person because I'm stuck home nowadays, but as for online it really depends on what website it is and whether or not I'm talking to someone in private. And as for in private, it depends on how well I know the person.
I've seen the internet be extremely toxic over certain things, especially for the wrong reasons, so I just try to be careful now because I can't mentally handle things going horribly wrong with something important to me.
I have significant trust issues due to terrible life experiences, but they've never quite been able to squash my innate belief in the goodness of people. So most strangers I give the benefit of the doubt. However, the slightest inkling of a red flag puts me on guard, and that trust is quickly revoked.
I find it quite difficult to trust people, but there are a couple of people I trust. 😊 Once I do trust someone, I will open up maybe too easily! 😅
not very easily, especially when i first meet someone. i try to believe in everyone and assume the best of them, but at the same time, i have pretty bad trust issues due to past experiences. whenever someone approaches me and tries to talk to me for no particular reason, i always assume it’s because they want to make fun of me or they were forced to as a joke. i’m skeptical to tell people about my experiences, interests, thoughts etc at first, because i’m worried that they’re somehow weird and that i’ll get made fun of, or that they’ll be used against me eventually. whenever someone does or says something that upsets me, even if it’s not intentional, i always feel like it is and that it was done deliberately to hurt me. etc etc.

it can take a while for me to trust someone, but once i do, i feel like i’m actually a little too easily trusting and that i sometimes overshare too much, LOL. but even the littlest thing can have me retreating and trusting a person a little less. trust issues, extreme sensitivity, and big emotions is an insane combo, lol. 🫠
depends on who it is. if it’s my younger brother? oh hell naw.