How long have you been playing Animal Crossing?

I was around 8 years old. I'm almost 19 now. My first one was animal crossing gamecube, but I believe wild world was already released by the time I started playing the gamecube version. I didn't get wild world until about a month before city folk came out. So I ended up playing WW for about a few months until I moved on to CF.
Not very long, I got the game in December sometime (can't remember exactly) but I've done quite a lot in that time. Have several million saved, loads of PWP's unlocked and almost all my dream villagers. I did however have to sacrifice my life in order to fulfill this addiction to the comes at a price....
Either this birthday or christmas it's my 10 year anniverary with the game.
I've been playing since GameCube, and I've played every single one since then. (except the n64 one, I'm not that cool.)

I remember the first time I played, My villagers were Tangy, Chief, Fang, Savannah and a few others, I can't remember. I played it so much, and eventually there was nothing else to do because I'd done everything. I actually found my old cartridge recently, and my town was so overgrown, it's not even funny. I spent hours landscaping it too, lol.
New Leaf was my first Animal Crossing game but I remember my friend bringing over her gamecube and showing me it was back when, I thought it looked stupid just running around talking to animals... but then my other friend came over and showed my ACNL and I fell in love, it looked like just the perfect game for little overly stressed me, a cute little town to escape to! So I bought myself a DS after X-mas of 2013 and a copy of ACNL and have been playing ever since.
2002, which thanks to those e-reader cards is easy to prove, since I found an old invoice in my official Nintendo Power Player's Guide from March, 2003, for 5 Series 2 e-reader packs I bought directly from Nintendo's store. I only got it at the time because they Trojan Horsed me- no Virtual Console at the time, and I had an NES in the 80's, so I bought it for the emulated NES games. As I played it though, it was so much more. That crunching of the snow in December totally made me fall in love with it, as well as the fact it actually used the GameCube's clock (at the time no other game tied directly to the hour and minute of it). I totally fell in love with this game of animals and one human! Of course, once my favorite moved out, it was the worst experience I ever had. Thankfully, Wild World came along shortly after, and I fell back in love with it- more so now, since I could take it with me, and never missed any events, along with experiencing new events, many of which have never returned (I miss Cornimer). City Folk when it had the same layout landscape and graphical design as the GameCube's version brought back that sad memory, and felt like they had just mushed the prior 2 games together, only adding in the city, so while I didn't technically fall out of love with it, as it still was high enough for me to get New Leaf, a game I still have yet to miss playing (although it's not surprising I still crank up Wild World). With Happy Home Designer and Amiibo Festival, I've got plenty of new content to suffice me for a good year- possibly when we hear about another game, especially given how long it takes to write the insane amount of text for these full-size games (approximately 1.5 million lines of text are used per game, or about a 4,000 page novel- PER GAME!).