How long was your ACNH break?

My current one was 2 months according to my villagers lol. I've been doing other things since but kinda got the urge to decorate my island again so I'm back for a little bit.
I had taken a break last year from mid-May through mid-July, only checking in here and there for fish/bugs really. Then after the summer updates, I got back into it and was playing practically every day again. Recently I actually did take a bit of a break, where I was only playing once a week for pretty much the entire month of August. But I've played every day since September rolled around and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I love autumn so much!
I haven't played in a few months expect during the camp event here on TBT to take some quick photos. The last time I updated my dream address was early May and I've lost interest since then. I got distracted by Stardew Valley. I just put my switch on the charger so hopefully the autumn vibes will pull me back into the game.
I just want to throw this out for everyone.

If you dont want to play the game at the moment, there is nothing wrong with that at all.

That does not mean there is something wrong with the game, or something wrong with you.

The game is a year and a half old now.

For those of us who have been playing since day 1 and are still loving playing each day, then the game is a gift from the gods.

But for those who aren't into it as much these days... how long have you played other games for?
For me, the most I've played any game other than new horizons, new leaf, or world of warcraft, is a month before I was done and moved on.
Maybe I'll play it again a year or two later but it's not a life consumer.

If you are now feeling bored of the game, then compared to other games, the game did its job a thousand times over, and if you want to play other things, you absolutely should.

Even the things we love the most have to end at some point. And one day, I'll be taking a break from this game. And one day that break will end up in me never playing it again.
I took a break on March i think?? I already have a lil break before that, came back yesterday to continue my island. I also took a break from The bell tree forums (I got really exhausted because of graduation and stuff) . Now I'm back from 8-ish months break to continue being active in here and in animal crossing.

It became my habit to play a game continuously, disappear for months, and came back like nothing happened.
I stopped playing last year around may and didnt start again until literally last week oops
Ongoing, I've been playing much less than I used to ever since around mid May, going from playing daily to playing around once a week in the best case scenario
During the initial craze, I definitely took a few week-long breaks here and there.

Now after finishing most of my island and not having the heart to reset, I haven’t been playing much. I know we’re all aware of the lack of meaningful updates from Nintendo, so to avoid that frustration I switched over to Stardew for the time being.

I just feel like I know every item in the game and there isn’t much else left to do atm. Will keep up hope though!
Pretty long!! I returned a couple times to get things or to ask questions on here, but I never ended up properly sitting down and playing. I'd say nearly a year, since I stopped playing around October last year and am just returning now. I kept logging in and getting stressed out looking at my village, because I have a lot of nice areas but they just don't flow and don't give off the vibe I want, so I'd end up just logging out feeling de-motivated.

I'm back and feeling pretty motivated because my partner has given me permission to decorate his island however I want!
i'm taking a break right now :3

i don't really have much else to do, other then getting the leftover fish, bugs & the leftover 2 sea creatures *snow crab & sea pig* & getting the cranky & last sisterly? reactions & the haunted & festivale reactions :3

& collecting my 2nd island items... *for when i get my 2nd switch * :3

& getting blaire, fuschia *via amiibo* & sherb *via hunting* :>
I just took a break from the end of July up until now. I’m back playing now and starting fresh. Just bought some bells and NMTs and transferred them to my mom’s island today to hold. Gonna look for a different island later. Something I like. ^-^
It was about a year and I reset everything to make my vision of an all cat island but I regret it now because I forgot what a pain in the anus it was to get miles in the beginning. I didn’t even think of it because I had so many miles before that were rising more than falling that I didn’t think about it. I am time travelling a lot this time
I don't take long breaks, really. I usually just take breaks for several weeks at a time if I have to and then play again. I don't think there's been a time where it has been longer than a month since I've played. The tradeoff, however, is that I take a ton of breaks throughout the year if I feel like it.
I have played everyday since launch. Now granted a few days I signed in talk to a villager or two and then left.
My latest one had been about 5 or 6 months long, but that was mostly because I was spending the time on another game. Monster Hunter Rise released back in late March, and it was the only game I played for months lol.
I just reset my entire island a couple weeks ago after not playing consistently for months and months. Right after I reset I took another two weeks off lol but now I’m back to playing regularly. I would get obsessed with other games in the meantime, I tend to just cycle through my games on my switch but I always eventually make it back to each game
My break was about 8 months. Finally started playing again at the end of last month. During my break I kept meaning to get into it but then would have anxiety over all the activities/holidays I missed and put it off. I’m really enjoying it again so I’m glad I finally sucked it up and started playing again