I play a tiny bit in the morning, maybe 20-30 minutes some point during the day, and 20 or so minutes right before I go to sleep, which is around 1ish. Just depends on whether I'm feeling it that day, really.
It depends. Some days (usually when I work) I only play for like 30 minutes or so, while on weekends I can play for 4-5 hours. But I guess I would say I mostly play the game for around 2 hours. I usually play during the evening but it's not that I somehow prefer night time in the game, except on the island. I just tend to have more time in the evenings.
I hadn't played for months, and since it's summer, I've been putting a lot of hours each day into the game. I probably play like 5+ hours a day since I have nothing to do, and I have plans in mind for landscaping and all that. Before this, I'd probably play like 30-40 minutes whenever I picked it up?
Periodically throughout the day. There are times that I just jump up to talk to my favs and check the campsite. Others days I play for hours. Mostly early morning and late night.
I'm not actually sure when Wild World was released but I borrowed someone's DS with it for a couple of weeks, caught some Tuna and really enjoyed it, it must have been quite early on after its release.
6-8 hours a day right now when I'm not at work since it's summer and there's nothing else for me to do right now. Once I get started I play for quite a long while and then a bit longer.
its random now these days. im pretty satisfied with how much bells i have and the way my town looks, so im not as addicted to it compared to how i use to be..but thats a good thing i guess, it wouldn't be interfering with my studies anymore. some days i play around eight hours straight, other days its just a few hours
Since it's the summer right now, I'm playing AC:NL every morning starting at 9AM, when the stores are open. I usually spend about an hour on it, since I'm currently in the "landscaping my town" phase, but once school starts up again I'll probably go back to just checking up on my town for about thirty minutes before going off. I won't ever skip, though. Ever since I got the game, I've made sure to talk to at least two of my villagers and do the necessary chores every day.