I’m only at 60 hours rn. I blame the fact that I was an essential employee
200~ hours, 100+ hours dedicated to afking for turnip trading, so I can either find Audie or buy her
Do you have any tips for turnip trading? I bought a few, but I'm kind of a scaredy cat so I've been having trouble making big profits off of it. I really wanna buy Merengue, but when I looked at the trading boards and saw her going for like 3 mil+ I wanted to give up. I heard you could make big money trading turnips but idk how some people get 20 mil bell profits
Do you have any tips for turnip trading? I bought a few, but I'm kind of a scaredy cat so I've been having trouble making big profits off of it. I really wanna buy Merengue, but when I looked at the trading boards and saw her going for like 3 mil+ I wanted to give up. I heard you could make big money trading turnips but idk how some people get 20 mil bell profits