How many hours have you played into this game for?

2,340 since launch. during the first few months, i would play for multiple hours a day. after last summer, it dwindled down to around two hours a day. now it's about one depending on how fast i get my daily list of tasks done. no idea what my NL play-time was though since i had two copies of the game at one point and played my original copy across 2-3 different DS consoles, so there's no way to check it, but i'm pretty confident it was way more by 1.5 years in.
over 4,000 hours, yeah I'm crazy, but since I have a 2nd switch I've been restarting and playing a lot more recently.
1,640 hours––which is honestly less than I was expecting, considering how much I've left my game on throughout the day or overnight... I was thinking it would be closer to 2,000 at this point (which it technically is lol), so I guess I can't really feel too bad about it. 😅
2145, with no plans to stop anytime soon!

i don’t know think I have ever played a game so much over such a short period of time.

and I haven’t even found much time to play my second island much!
280 hours. It would be more but I have a lot of hobbies that distract me from it sometimes, like reading, ukulele, watching shows/movies, etc. I'm trying to play more because I want to make my island look nice