How many infractions have you recieved?


Sep 11, 2015
Red Tulip
White Tulip
Is this allowed? Ye, no, idk

I thought I had more tbh
er... you seem sort of proud of this fact?
I have one for post quality, because my post was just a face made out of symbols and no actual words or numbers were involved. OR, ya know, it was irrelevant... -__-
7 lmao

EDIT (again): 4 for post quality, 1 for "rude behavior" which i thought was COMPLETE bs and 2 for inappropriate language
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3, for post quality, 1 for alternative account, 2 for inappropriate behavior, 1 for being rude to another user. :lemon:
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1 for post quality bc i accidentally revealed too much about an egg hint on the forum while trying to help people out. i thought i was being vague enough but apparently not. no pure fun allowed on tbt.... only funstration
To be exact:
2 for Inappropriate Language or Material
1 for Alternative Account(s)
20 for post quality

This doesn't seem right. I remember getting one for being rude to another member and 2 others for Alts?
oh wait
mods dont take my bells
I've been warned twice. I don't think either of the posts were really bad. One of my warnings said something like "Although it is clear you didn't intend to cause any harm, your post was rude behavior". I'd post the content that got the warning because it's really nothing, but I don't want to get the other user involved.

The other was for this joke thread which I thought was kind of funny:
On second thought I have a suspicion that I'll get warned for actually posting it so editing the link out.
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this many




iirc only the red ones are actual infractions, while the rest are just warnings that don't do anything but serve as a friendly but stern reminder
4 for post quality and 1 for an alternative account
Mods, please don't see it as a challenge I am not looking for trouble _(┐「ε:)_

You can get one for alts? Hope there won't be a misunderstanding 'cuz my niece logs into my devices sometimes.