how much do you hate resseti

He's not my favorite character, but he's alright. He certainly can be amusing sometimes at least.
I don't dislike nor like Resseti. He is just doing his job, and I respect that, and he is put in the game for a reason. You can easily just avoid Resseti if you choose not to reset. That simple.
bdubs2594 said:
I don't dislike nor like Resseti. He is just doing his job, and I respect that, and he is put in the game for a reason. You can easily just avoid Resseti if you choose not to reset. That simple.
Yeah, but I always did hate having to go through his 30min+ lectures in WW when my DS battery would always die.
lol i hated when he told us to write something he said. i always got it wrong so i just turned it off again xD
ricano4life said:
lol i hated when he told us to write something he said. i always got it wrong so i just turned it off again xD
lol. I would always write: "You Suck!" because no matter how much I said I and everytime he would just give me his whole monolauge all over again. :p
i like him. i don't meet him very often since i always save, but when i did, he spoke in pig-latin. how can that not make him cool?
i hate him soo much.
i only got him once in city folk
but in WW i got him like everyday
every time he told me to write something
and i got it wrong..
i would turn it off again XD
then i'd get my sister to help me
because apparently she can do what he says =D