how often do you change your avi/sig?


if it was you I'd never want to leave...
Aug 8, 2015
Pink Summer Shell
i change both my avi and sig as soon as i get tired of them which is normally 2 weeks or so.some times i dont change my avi and sig for 1 month but that rarely happens.
not often, my sig will probably stay the same forever, it's to much hassle to change things all the time, i usually just find something I like and stick with it. I've changed my avi a few times but i'm pretty happy with the one i have now, i really like it, i might change it eventually though
i changed mine for the first time since i started tbt just a week ago, it's the same character though lol. i don't think i'll change it again for another few years but who knows.

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oh, i was talking about my avatar, i change my signature every 6 months or so, i had none for quite a while

i can keep avis or profile pictures in general for years cuz im too lazy to change it. unless it starts bothering me or its something im not into anymore after years then i will change it. xD
I change my avatar whenever I get a good idea for a new one. I've had this one since January. I change my signature whenever the villagers in my ACNL town change.
Only once, with the addition of a link in my signature. Even though it's already served its intended purpose I don't plan to remove it.
I usually change it when I find a new avatar that I like, I've had this one for quite some time now actually.
I've had the same avatar almost since I joined & I don't really have a signature.
not very often, it's actually kinda hard for me to find an avatar I like half the time and I never know what to do w my signature ;;
Maybe once a week or once every two weeks if I'm lucky
This is the only avatar I've ever had. Since my sig is just villager lists, I just change it whenever someone moves.
I changed about thrice and i don't think ill be changing my avatar and sig anytime soon because i love them so much!
I used to change my avi a lot but now I'm kinda sticking to this one since it's art. My signature rotates so it changes a lot, haha.
Not much
The things that changed is when I know something will make it much better then the regular
whenever theres a new thing i like and want as my avatar. i;e my current rohan. i liked this scene. i wanted it as my avatar