How often do you take selfies/post pictures of yourself?


Sep 20, 2013
I don’t take nearly as many pictures of myself or selfies as other people. I don’t know if it’s a confidence thing considering I’m okay with how I look, but I just don’t like posting pictures of myself. I look young and I’ve actually had people accuse me of lying about my age on Facebook of all places. I’m glad I deleted that garbage site, but that’s in the past. I even considered taking a photo of me with my ID card but crossing out all the identifying information except for my birthday, but obviously that’s their problem if they don’t believe me. I think being mistaken as a minor is my biggest pet peeve.

I don’t even use social media aside from Snapchat, and I don’t post selfies on there. I might if I’m in cosplay or something, but never willingly. I typically post scenery pictures or pictures of things, and not myself. I am “friends” with people on there that post pictures of themselves a lot. The more they do it, the more confident they seem. It’s just the duck lips that kill me. Just don’t. It’s not attractive.

I’m wondering if I’m alone here, or do others not get the joy out of posting selfies? Not due to a lack of confidence, but it just isn’t their thing. I never know how to pose in selfies anyway, but that’s another topic for another time.
I haven’t taken a selfie in three years. They’re hard to angle correctly and I don’t enjoy taking them. I don’t mind people taking pictures of me as long as I don’t have to look at the picture itself. As for posting I haven’t done so in a while. I’d like to lose a few pounds before I do it again.
Never. This may sound strange but seeing myself has always made me uncomfortable, especially in a mirror.
Hardly ever. I just feel awkward taking a photo of myself. Like, how do you pose? It doesn't come natural to me lol. My Facebook profile pic was from 2014 and I finally updated it to a pic of my bf and I a couple weeks ago.

I really should take more photos of myself.
I don’t really like to take selfies. I always feel awkward seeing myself lol
the last selfie I took was in February but i didn't post it anywhere. The last selfie that I actually posted to social media was almost a year ago o_O i feel even more self-conscious these days
i used to a lot but my body has changed so much in the past 2 years that its nearly impossible for me to want to look at myself :(
Well... We do take a few family photos here and there whenever there are holidays but by myself? More than I want to admit lol. I think it helps my self esteem if I am honest! Its one of the only things I struggle with! Confidence and Self Esteem are just my worst qualities. I take lots of photos of my face and my clothes and video all my stuffed animals and many things soo yeah! Its still fun even though ITS DEFINITELY un-needed lol
I rarely take photographs of myself and haven't ever posted any of them to any website (so far, at least. That might change if I ever decide to use a dating site or service, which I doubt). That's not due to a lack of confidence though, it really has more to do with privacy and just not wanting to be recognized in public (or the possibility of).

I also haven't ever had any account on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc. (I did once create an account on Instagram due to a past "friend", but I ended up deleting it the very same day), so I don't feel any pressure to post anything of myself.
I don't like taking them, but my partner enjoys seeing them so I'll take them every other day usually.

Like a few of you have mentioned: I rarely use social media and don't make a habit of posting selfies (maybe 1-2 times per year to keep a profile picture current). All cool for those that enjoy it - just not my thing.
I haven't taken one in almost 3 years now. I don't feel very attractive in selfies so I barely ever take them!
Almost never. - Not sure it's really for any reason other than the fact that my phone is really old and the camera is awful, though. If I had a better phone with a suitable camera, I would probably take more selfies at places like concerts, hikes, etc.
I don't like taking pictures or being on camera. When I see a camera I try my best to be behind the person holding it.

I post a new picture on facebook like once every two years hahah.
Maybe once or twice a month. Lately I haven't taken as much as I used to, but I do with my dog sometimes!
honestly i take a selfie maybe a few times a month. not to sound vain but for the most part i don’t mind too much about how i look which is an immense confidence growth compared to a few years ago. they’re just for myself and i don’t share them with anyone else.